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fo exalted. Though the family in which
1 live, from fome caufe unknown to me,
have not the happinefs of an interccurfe
with yours, yet your name is familiar ta
my ear, and carries with it the idea of
every amiable and engaging quality.”
<c Nor am I, returned the other, a ftranger
to the name, or the worth, of Mifs Sin-
dall; and l reckon myfelf Angularly for¬
tunate, not only to have accidentally
made an acquaintance with her, but to
have made it in that very ftyle, which
effedlually fecures the efteem her charac¬
ter had formerly impreffed me with.”
tc Beneficence indeed, replied Lucy, is a
virtue, of which the pofleffion may entitle
to an acquaintance with one to whom
that virtue is fo particularly known.”
*' It is no lefs a pleafure than a duty, re¬
joined her companion; but I, Mifs Sin-
dall, have an additional incitement to the
exercife of it, which perhaps, as the tongue