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tHS Man of the world. 31
dependencies j I mean it not as an argu¬
ment againft the pafilon; that fex, I truft,
whofe power it eftablifhes, will poirfit its
vaflals to no purfuit but what is laudable.
Their farewel fcene pafied'on that very
fpot, which I have defcribed in the laft
chapter, as witnefs to the declaration of
Bolton’s paflion. Their farewel but
where the feelings fay much, and the ex-
preffion little, defcription will feldom fuc-
ceed in the pitlure.
Their reparation, however, was allevi¬
ated by the hope that it was not likely to
be of long continuance: Sir Thomas’s
declaration, of his intending that Harry
Ihould follow them in a few months, was
not forgotten j and the intermediate days
were fwallowed up, in the anticipation of
the pleafures which that period fhould
In the mean time, they took fomething
from the pain of abfence by a punctual
c 4 corre-