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Sir Thomas j never in the leaft.—From
what fuch an idea could have arifen, I
know not; if from my leaving you here
behind when we go to Bilfwood, it is the
moft miftaken one in the world: ’tis but
for a few months, till thofe affairs I talked
to you of are finilhed; and I hope there
to have opportunity of fhowing, that, in
your abfence, I fhall be far from forget¬
ting you.”
During the time of their flay atSindall-
park, he behaved to Harry in fo cour¬
teous and obliging a manner, that his
fulpicions were totally removed; and he
bore with lefs regret, than he fhould other-
wife have done, a feparation from his Lucy,
which he confidered as temporary; be-
fides that his ftay behind was neceffary to
him, whofe countenance and friendfhip,
his attachment to that young lady had
now rendered more valuable in his efti-
mation. Love encreafes the lift of our