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though my heart has betrayed me from
that prudence which might have ftifled
the declaration. I have not language,
Mifs Lucy, for the prefent feelings of my
foul; till this moment I never knew how
much I loved you, and never could I have
exprefied it fo ill.”—Fie pauled—foe was
looking fixedly on the ground, drawing
her hand foftly from his, which refufed in¬
voluntarily to quit its hold.—(t May I
not hope ?” faid he—“ You have my par¬
don, Mr. Bolton”—<c But”—“ I beg you,
faid Lucy, interrupting him, to leave
this fubje<5t; I know your merit, Mr. Bol¬
ton—my efteem—you have thrown me
into fuch confufion—nay, let go my hand.”
i—“ Pity then, and forgive me.”—She
fighed—he prefied her hand to his lips—
foe blufoed,—and blufoed in fuch a man¬
ner They have never been in Bolton’s
fituation, by whom that figh, and that
blufo, would not have been underftood.