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make Diana greet her filter huntrefies,
were ever more chafte than that which
Bolton now ftole from her by furprize.
Her cheeks were crimfon at this little
violence of Harry’s. “ What do you
mean, Mr. Bolton ?” faid flie, dropping
the flute to the ground. {t ’Twas a for¬
feiture,” he replied, ftammering, and
blufliing excefilvely, “ for attempting to
blow my flute.”—“ I don’t underftand
you,” anfwered Lucy, and turned towards
the houfe, with fome marks of refentment
on her countenance. Bolton was for fome
time rivetted to the fpot; when he reco-
yered the ufe of his feet, he ran after
Mifs Sindall, and gently laying hold of
her hand, “ I cannpt bear your anger,
faid he, though I own your difpleafure
is juft; but forgive, I intreat you, this
unthinking offence of him, whofe refpedt
is equal to his love.”—“ Your love, Mr,
Bolton!”—“ I cannot retrad the word,
vol. 11. c though