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teftant. Their adherence to their old reli¬
gion was (Lengthened by the countenance
of the Laird’s filler, a zealous Romanid,
till one Sunday, as they were going to mafs
under the condutfl of their patronefs, Mac-
lean met them on the way, gave one of
them a blow on the head with a yellow
Jlick, I fuppofe a cane, for which the Earfe
had no name, and drove them to the kirk,
from which they have never fince departed.
Since the ufe of this method of converfion,
the inhabitants of Egg and Canna, who
continue Papifts, call the Proteftantifm of
/?«/», the religion of the Tellow Stick.
The only Popifh Ifiands are Egg and
Canna. Egg is the principal Ifland of a
parifh, in which, though he has no congre¬
gation, the Protedant Minider refides. I
have heard of nothing curious in it, but the
cave in which a former generation of the
Wanders were fmothered by Macleod.