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pure about the bargain, made Clanronald
prifoner, and kept him nine months in con¬
finement. Its owner reprefents it as moun¬
tainous, rugged, and barren. In the hills
there are red deer. The horfes are very
fmall, but of a breed eminent for beauty.
Co/, not long ago, bought one of them
from a tenant; who told him, that as he
was of a fhape uncommonly elegant, he
could not fell him but at a high price ; and
that whoever had him fhould pay a guinea
and a half.
There are faid to be in Barra a race of
horfes yet frnaller, of which the higheft is
not above thirty-fix inches.
The rent of Rum is not great. Mr.
Maclean declared, that he fhould be very
rich, if he could fet his land at two-ptnce
halfpenny an acre. The inhabitants are
fifty eight families, who continued Papifts
for fometime after the Laird became a Pro-