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fweetmeats, worth above thirty moidores, including
fome tobacco, and three or four fine gold medals.
Here I delivered my partner in goods to the va¬
lue of tool. Sterling, and obliged him to fit up the
floop I bought, for the ufe of my ifland, in order to
fend them refrefhments : And fo a&ive was he in
this matter, that he had the vefiel finilhed in a few
days, to the mafter of which I gave particular in-
ftructions to find the place. I foon loaded him with
a fmall cargo; and one of our Tailors offered to fettle
there, upon my letter to the Spanifh governor, if I
would allot him tools and a plantation. This I wil-
lingly granted, and gave him the favage we had ta¬
ken prifoner to be his Have. All things being ready
for the voyage, my old partner told me, there was
an acquaintance of his, a Brafil planter, who having
fallen under the difpleafure of the church, and in
fear of the inquifition, which obliged him to be con¬
cealed, would be glad of iuch an opportunity to make
his efcape, with his wife ani two daughters; and if
I would allot them a plantation in my illand, he would
give them a fmall flock to begin with, for that the
officers had already feized his effefts and eftate, and
left him nothing but a little houfehold fluff, and two
Haves. This requeil 1 prefenrly granted, concealing
him and his family on board our Hop till fuch time
as the floop (where all the effects were) was gone
out of the buy, and then we put them on board, who
carried fome materials, and plants for planting fugar-
canes, along with them. By this floop, among other
things, 1 feat my fubjefls three milk-cows and five
calves, ab6ut 22 hogs, three fows big with pig, two
mares and a ftone horfe. I alfo engaged gfirce Portugal
women-to go for fake of the Spaniards, which, with
the perfecuted man’s two daughters, were fufficient,
fince the reft had wives of their own, thoughin ano¬
ther country: All which cargo arrived fife, no doubt,
to their exceeding comfort, who, with this addition,
were about fixty or feventy people, befides children.