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taught him, he told us, they were going with their
kings to fight a great battle : And when we afked
him, what made them come up to us ? he faid, ta
mahee cle great wander look: Where it is to be noted,
that thofe natives, and thefe of Affica,always add two
e’s at the end of Englifh words, as mahee, takee, and
the like, from which it is a very difficult thing to
make them break off.
Being now under fail, we took our lad farewel of
poor honed Friday, and interred him with all pof-
fible decency and foiemnity; putting him into a coffin,
and committing him to the deep, at the fame time
caufing eleven guns to be fired for him. Thus end¬
ed the life of one of the mod grateful, faithful,
honed, and affeidionate fervants, that ever any man
was blefied with in the world.
Having now a fair wind for Bra fils, in about
twelve days time we made land in the latitude of five
degrees fouth of the line. Four days we kept on S.
by E. in fight of fhore, when we made Cape St Auguf-
tine, pnd in three days we came to an anchor off' the
Bay of All Saints. I had great difficulty here to get
leave to hold correfpondence on drore j for neither the
figure of my partner, my two merchant trudees, nor
the fame of my wonderful prefervation in the ifland,
could procure me the favour, till fuch time as the
prior of the monadery of the Augudines (to whom I
had given 500 moidores) obtained leave from the
governor, for me perfonaily, with the captain and
one more, together with eight failors, to come on
fhore; upon this condition, that we fhould not
land any goods out of the drip, or carry any perfon
away without licence: I found means however to
get on fhore three bales of Englifh goods, fuch as
fine broad cloths, duff's, and fome linen, which I
brought as a prefent for my partner, who had fent
me on board a prefent of frefh provifions, wine, and