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capacity, the reafon why our Saviour took not on him
the nature of angels, but rather the feed of Abraham ;
and how upon that account the fallen angels had no
benefit by the redemption ; and laftly, that he came
only to the loft fheep of the houfe of Ifrael, and the
like. God knows, I had more fincerity than know¬
ledge in all the ways I took for this poor Indian’s in-
ftnnftion ; and I muft acknowledge, that I believe
every body^that a<fts upon the fame principle will find,
that in laying heavenly truths open before him,
1 informed and inftrucfted myfelf, in many things, that
either I did not know, or had not perfectly contidered
of before ? But as Ifearched into them for the informa¬
tion of this poor favage, fo they naturally occurred to
my mind -, and my enquiry after many things was
more aftecftionate than ever I felt in my life : So that
however this poor creature might be improved by my
inftrmftion, certain it is, that upon this account I had
great reafon to blefs kind Providence for fending him
to me. His company allayed my grief, and made my
habitation more comfortable: And when I reflected
that this folitary life, to which I had been fo long con¬
fined, had not only moved me to look towards heaven,
but made methe inftrument,under Providence, to fave
the life, and for aught I knew, the foul of a poor fir-
vage, by bringing him to the knowledge of Jefus
Chrift; this caufed a fecret joy to fpread thro’ every
part of my foul, and I frequently rejoiced that ever I
was brought to this place, which I once thought to
be the moft miferable part of the world.
In this thankful frame of mind did I afterwards con¬
tinue while I abode on the ifland; and for three
years did my man and I live in the greateft enjoy¬
ment and happinefs, by our converfation one with
another. And indeed I believe the favage was as
good a Chriftian as I; and I hope we were equally
penitent 5 and fuch penitents that were comforted
and reftored by God’s Holy Spirit : For now we