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not hill devil great, great while ago ? Friday, faid I,
you may as well aik me why God does not kill you
and me, when by our wicked aftions we fo much
offend his divine majefty ? He gives us time to re¬
pent of our fins, that thereby we may obtain pardon.
At thefe words, obtain pardon, Friday mufed a great
while, and at laft, looking me ftedfaftly in the face :
Well, well, faid he, that’s very well; fo you, I, devil,
all wicked mans, all preferve, repent, God pardon all. /
Indeed here I was run down to the laft extremity,
when it became very evident to me, how mere natural
notions will guidereafonable creatures totheknowledge
of a deity, and to the homage due to the fupreme being
of a God; but however nothing but divine revelation
can form the knowledge of Jefus Chrijl, and of a re¬
demption purchafed for us, of the Mediator of the
new covenant, and of an interceffor at the footftool
of God’s throne; and therefore the gofpel of our.
Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrif, that is, the word and
fpirit of God, promifed for the guide and faniftiner
of his people, are the moft neceffary inftrutftors of the
fouls of men, in thp faving knowledge of the Al¬
mighty, and the means to attain eternal happinefs.
And now I found it necefiary to put an end to this
difcourfe between my man and me, for which purpofe
I rofe up haftily, and made as if I had fome occafion
to go out, fending Friday for fomething that was a
good way off. I then fell on my knees, and befeech-
ed God that he would infpire me fo far, as to guide
this poor favage in the knowledge of Chrijl, to ani'wer
his qucftions more clearly, that his confcience might
be convinced, his eyes opened, and his foul faved.
When he returned again, I entered.into a very long
difcourfe with him, upon the fubjetft of tire world’s re¬
demption by the Saviour of it, and the doctrine of re¬
pentance preached from heaven, together with an holy
faith in our bleffed Redeemer Jefus Chrijl: And then
I proceeded to explain to him, according to my weak