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Per feus. Ion of Jupiter p.nd Danae, 16S. De¬
livers Andromeda, xCp. Cuts off Medufa’s
head Hid
Per fans, worffiip Phcehus 21
Pejinutia, a goddefs, whofe image was only a
lhapelefs ftone; it was alfo a name of Cybele
Phaetiin, hishiftory 21
Phanceus, a name of Apollo
Phlegethon, a river of hell 133
Phlegyas, burnt the temple of Apollo I41
Pbcebus or the Sun, 21. His debaucheries ibid.
Pborcvs, fon of Neptune 124
Pleiades, daughters of Atlas 178
Pluto, his hillory 134
Plutus, account of ibid.
Polylymnia, one of the Mufes 59
Polyphemus, who he was 81
Polyxena, daughter of Priamus 182
Pomia, a title of Venus
Pomona, her hiftory 115
Porthemvs and Portitor names of Charon
Friapus, account of him 106
Primigenia and privata, titles of Fortune
Piometkeus, fteals fire from heaven, 80. His
hiftory t 175
Propyleea, one of the names of Hecate or Diana
Projerpina. her hiftory, 135. Signification of
her fable 136
Proteus, the fon of Neptune 124
Pylotis, one of the titles of Minerva
Pyramus and Thijbc 53
Pyrrha, the wife of Deucalion
Pytho, a daughter of Atlas