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Opcrtus, one of the flames of Pluto
Opifer, a title of Apollo
Opigena, a title of Juno
Opis, a name of Diana
Ops, a name of Cybele
Orcus or Quragus, names of Pluto
Orion, account of
Orpheus, overcomes the Syrens, 12S. His hif-
tory ]
Ofcilla, fmall images of Bacchus, hung on trees
while his feftivals were folemnizing
OJiris, Apis and Serapis iSS
Othus, one of the Giants that warred againft
79 ;k|
Ti A LAE MO N, account of
Pales, her hiftory
Palladium, what
Pan, his birth and parentage, 102. His def-
cription, ib. Is a fymbol of the univerfe ibid.
Pandora, account of her So
Paris and Helena 56
Parnafults, the Mufes were fo called
Parthenope, one of the Syrens
Paftphee, daughter of Apollo 2 2
Pajitbea, one of Cybele’s names
Feaee, a Virtue >94 I
Pegajus, the Mufes horfe, he was caught and
ridden upon by Eellerophon, and was placed
in heaven among the ftars
Pelops, hiftory of I43-h
Penates, account of them tdP'fi
Penelope, her hiftory 1S5JI
Periclimcnes, account of I24f*