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23 Of Man's Original Happinefs. State I.
fee meet to tranfport him into the upper Para'life.
This promife of life was included in the threatening
of death, mentioned Gen. ii. 17. For while God fays.
In the day thou eateft thereof thou fJjalt furely die ;
It is in eflfeft. If thou do not eat of it> thou Jhalt furely
live. And this was facramentally confirmed by another
tree in the garden, called therefore, The Tree of life,
which he w vs debarred from, when he had finned,
Gen iii 22. 23;—Tf he put forth hit hand and take
alfo op the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever. There¬
fore the Lord Godfent him forth from the garden of
Eden. Yet it is not to be thought, that man’s life
and death did hang only on this matter of the forbidden
fruit, but on the whole law; for fo fays the apoftie,
Gal. iii. jo It is written, Carfed is every one that con- \
tinueth not in all things, which are written in the I'cok
of the law to do them- That of the forbidden fruit,
was a revealed part of Adam’s religion : and fo be¬
hoved exprefsly to be laid before him ; but as to the
natural law, he naturally knew death to be the rewatd
of difobedience ; for the very heathens were not igno¬
rant of this, knowing the judgement of God, that they
which commit fuch things are worthy of death, Rom.
i. 32. And moreover, the promife included in the
threatening, fecured Adam’s life, according to the
covenant, as long as he obeyed the natural law, with
the addition of that pofitive command ; fo that he i
needed nothing to be exprefied to him in the cove¬
nant, but what concerned the eating of the forbidden
fruit. That eternal life in heaven was pro mi fed in
this covenant, is plain from this, that the threatning
was of e ternal death in hell ; to which when man had
made himfelf liable? Chrift was promifed, by his death
to purchafe eternal life : and Thrift himfelf expounds J
the promife of the covenant of works of eternal life,
while he promifeth the condition of that covenant, to
a proud young man, who, though he had not Ad mvs
Itock, yet, would needs enter into life in the way of i
working as Adam was to have done under this cod '- !
nant, Matth xix ) 7. Ip thou vjiit enter into life, (z.. ,