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2.6 Of Mali’s Original Right ton frrfi. State T.
holtnefs. Col. iii. i o. Ep-h. iv- 24. ! that God made
was very good, according to their fever*! natures,
Gen i- 3 t. And to was man morally good, being made
after the image of him who is good and upright, Efilm
xxv. 8. Without this, lie could not have anfwcred
the great end ef his creation, which was to know, love,
and ferve his God, according to his will Nay, he
could not be created otherwife : for lie behoved either
to be conform to the law, in his powers, principles,
and inclinations, or not : if he was, then he was righ¬
teous ; and if not, he was a finner, which is abfurd and
horrible to imagine.
Of Mads Original Happinefs.
Secondly, I fliall lay before you fome_ of thofe
things, which did accompany or flow from the righte-
oufnefs of man’s primitive ftate. Happitiefs is the re-
fult of holinefs ; and as it was an holy, fo it was an
happy date.
Firfi.. Man was then a very glorious creature. . We
have reafon to funpofe, that as Rlofes’ face (hone when
he came down from the Mount ; fo man had a very
lightfome and pleafant countenance, and beautiful body,
while as yet there was no davknefs of fln pi him at all.
But feeing God himfeif is glorious in holinefs, ^Exod.
xv. 1 1 ) furely that fpiritual comelinefs, the Lord put
.upon man at his creation, made him a very glorious
creature. O how did light {’nine in his holy converfa-
tion, to the glory of the Creator! while every atlion
■was but the darting forth of a ray and beam of that
glorious, unmixed light, which God had fet up in his
foul ; while that lamp of love, lighted from heaven,
continued burning in his heart, as in the holy place ;
and the law of the Lord, put in his inward parts by the
finger of God, was kept by him there, as in the rnott
holy. There was no impurity to be feen without;
no fquint look in the eyes, after any unclean thing ;
the tongue fpoke nothing but the language of heaven^
and in a word, the King’s Son was all glorious with-
in, and his clothing of •wrought gold.