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Fraoich and other books, but in the great
majority of cases the tunes noted here are
either published for the first time or are variants
not previously published. Some particularly
interesting items are “Cholla mo Ruin,”
“Da Laimh ’sa’ Phiob, ” ‘ ‘Mo thaobh Fodham’ ’
(said to be all connected with the Uamh an Oir
tale), “Till an crodh, faigh an crodh,” ‘‘Taladh
Choinnich Oig’ ’ (which may probably be dated
in the early 1570’s)” ‘”Se Diuram, ’se
Diuram,” good versions of ‘‘Gura mise tha fo
eislein” and of “Rinn mi mocheirigh gu
eirigh. ” The traditional story of ‘ ‘'A’ bhean
iadach” is given, along with a Uist version of
words ai^d air.
Transcriptions are sometimes given of variant
airs, and throughout the modes are named by
Mr. A. Martin Freeman. The author has been
scrupulous about acknowledging sources, and
there is an index of first lines, a selective
bibliography, and a general index.
National 7fod—Aberdeen, 1955
Solo and Duet
Celtic Art ..
Clarsach ..
Compilation of Music
Total Entries, 1085
Letter to the Editor
A Char aid,—Whilst I do not claim to be any
more than a Gaelic learner, I am distressed by a
trend in recent B.B.C. Gaelic broadcasts,
especially crofting discussions.
This is a tendency for the speakers to come
out with such remarks as: ‘ ‘Oh, yes, yes, tha
mi a’ tuigsinn . . . .’’or “Well, well, tha
sin ceart . . . ., ” etc.
Surely this an unhealthy sign, as it would
seem to imply that the speakers are beginning
to think in English instead of in Gaelic. Let
us keep the Gaelic pure. At present one is
painfully reminded of a certain cartoon in that
admirable Gaelic quarterly Gairm, of which the
caption runs, “. . . . agus a h-uile h-effort
a dheanamh a’ Ghaidhlig a chumail pure!”
Is mise,
Srath-pheofhair. Padruig MacCeallaigh.
Provincial Mods
The South-West Ross Mod — “Scotland’s biggest
one-day Mod ” — was held at Kyle of Lochalsh on
27th May. The adjudicators were :—For Gaelic,
Messrs. Alasdair Fraser, D. J. Maclean, J. Mac-
kinnon, Hume D. Robertson, and Rev. D. Macleod;
and for music — Miss Ethel Bassin, Mr. John A.
Macrae, Mr. T. K. Hetherington, and Dr. Allan
The Chairman at the Mod Concert was Mr. Donald
J. Maclean, Northern Organiser, and the guest
artistes were Miss Joan Mackenzie and Mr. Calum
Cameron. The prizes were presented by Mrs.
Nicolson, wife of Mr. Torquil Nicolson, Mod Convener.
The first-prize winners were :—
Junior Section
Literary :—Essay—Catherine Morrison, Duncraig
Castle School. Dictation — Etta Morrison, D.C.S.
Translation to Gaelic — Henrietta Gillies, D.C.S.
Translation from Gaelic — Etta Morrison, D.C.S.
Silver Medal (from Mrs. Macdougall) for highest
aggregate in junior literary competitions — Etta
Morrison, D.C.S.
Oral Delivery :—Reading from Bible—Ann Mac-
kinnon, Plockton School. Recitation (under 12)—
Anne Fraser, Kyle. Over 12—Annie Murray, D.C.S.
Reciting Psalm (Beginners)—under 9—Christina Mac-
lean, Letterfearn; 9-12 Christine Macdonald, Loch-
carron School; over 12 — Morag MacRae, Plockton
School. Conversation — Henrietta Gillies, D.C.S.
Verse-speaking (native speakers) (Barry Milner
Cuach) — Duncraig Castle School Group. Verse-
speaking (learners)—Craig Primary School Group.
Silver Medal (from Mr. M. K. Macleod) for highest
aggregate in junior orals — Jessie Mackinnon,
Solo-Singing :—Own choice—’Girls under 12—Kay
Clubley, Kyle. Boys under 12—Donald A. Mackin¬
tosh, Plockton. Girls over 12 (Silver Medal from
S.C.W.S.)—Jessie Moore, Kyle, and June Gillies,
Plockton (equal). Boys over 12 (Silver Medal from
S.C.W.S.) — Thomas Moore, Plockton. Singing
traditional song—Dolina MacRitchie, D.C.S. Duet—
Dolina MacRitchie and Janet Smith, D.C.S.
Choral Singing :—Unison and puirt-a-beul (Dalby
Peters Rose Bowl)—Kyle School Choir. Two-part
harmony (S.W. Ross Junior Shield) — Plockton
Secondary School Choir. Highest music mark—Kyle
School Choir.
Instrumental : — Pianoforte (Boys and Girls) —
Under 12—Colleen Stewart, Kyle. Over 12—George
Glasgow, Plockton. Violin — Donald Mackenzie,
Plockton. Chanter—George Glasgow.
Senior Section
Literary :—Poem—Isobel Campbell, D.C.S. Essay—
Isobel Campbell, D.C.S.
Oral Delivery : — Sgeulachd — Catriona Campbell,
D.C.S. Acted dialogue — Christina Campbell and
Catriona Campbell, D.C.S. Recitation — Mary A.
Maclean, D.C.S. Reading — Catherine MacRae,
Plockton. Reading (beginners) — Mary Macpherson,
Solo-Singing :—Own choice—Female voices—Nina
Campbell, D.C.S. Male voices—Angus Maclennan,
Kyle. Prescribed songs—Female voices—Nina Camp¬
bell. Male voices — Angus Maclennan. Margaret
Macdonald Medal—Nina Campbell. Douglas Memorial
Medal — Angus Maclennan. Song by local bard
(Mrs. D. Nicolson’s Medal) — Hector Mackenzie,
Balmacara. Former prize-winners (John N. Macleod
Memorial Medal) — Jean Matheson, Kyle. Best
aggregate in three competitions (Donald Macdonald