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The other boy comes from Dublin. When I asked
him, “Bhfuil Gaedhilg agat?,” he replied at once,
“Ta Gaedhilg go leor agamsa, buidheachas le Dia.”
I talked with him for some time in Irish, and found he
spoke it fluently and naturally.
The school has three "streams,” A, B, and C.
Both these boys, who have hitherto been educated in
Irish schools in which there is compulsory Irish, have
been placed in the A stream here in England by a
monoglot English headmaster, who never even thought
that they knew any language but English.
There are two things to be observed here. (1)
Compulsory Irish in Irish schools does teach children,
even in Dublin, to speak Irish fluently and naturally.
(2) These children’s knowledge of English and other
school subjects is at least equal to that of monoglot
English children educated in English schools.—
Yours sincerely,
Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Tomas MacNeacail.
Provincial Mod
The Edinburgh Local Mod was held in the Central
Hall, Edinburgh, on 8th May, 1954. The adjudicators
were: Gaelic—Mr. Derick Thomson, Mr. Neil Shaw,
and Miss Annie MacMillan: Music—Mr. Gilmour
Barr and Mr. Donald MacAllister. Mr. Neil Shaw
presided over the Mod Concert, during which Mr. W.
C. Rodman, Hon. Secretary of the Royal Celtic
Society, made an appeal for the fund to restore the
memorial to Duncan Ban MacIntyre in Greyfriars
The first-prize winners were: —
Junior Section
Conversation (learners: confined)—Aeneas Maclean
Conversation (learners: open)—Catherine Mackinnon,'
Glasgow. Recitation—Helen Loudon, Loanhead'
Recitation—Catherine Mackinnon. Reading at sight
Catherine Mackinnon.
Solo singing (confined)—Iain Grant Mackay.
Open—Iain Grant Mackay. Aged 12-16—Maurice
Mackenzie. Puirt-a-beul—Doreen Mullan. Gaelic
Psalm—Rosina Jameson. Jacobite or Clan Rallying
Song—Catherine Mackinnon. Highest mark in Gaelic
Catherine Mackinnon and Rosina Jameson (equal).
Highest mark in music—Maurice Mackenzie and
Gordon Lang (equal).
Pianoforte solo—Sheena Irvine. Strathspey and
reel (any instrument)—Henriette Galloway.
Senior Section
Letter in Gaelic—Margaret Mackinnon, Glasgow
Conversation (learners: confined)—Mamie Mackintosh
Duff. Recitation (native speakers)—Murdo F. J .
Macleod. Reading at sight (open)—Margaret Mac¬
kinnon. Story—Margaret Mackinnon. Dialogue—
Joan Maclver and Margaret Mackay, Glasgow.
Solo singing of song from ‘ ‘ Grain nam Beann ’ ’:
Ladies—Myrtle M. Johnstone. Men—Murdo F. J.
Macleod. Own choice (ladies)—Sheila A. Macdougall.
Men—Murdo F. J. Macleod. Two songs (ladies—
Ishbel M. Greer, Glasgow. Murdo F. J. Macleod.
Puirt-a-beul—Murdo F. J. Macleod. Gaelic Psalm—
Joan Maclver. Isobel Fairbairn Memorial Prize
(presented by Edinburgh Gaelic Choir)—Murdo F. J .
Macleod. Duet—Margaret C. MacCallum and Nina
MacCallum. Highest mark for Gaelic—Murdo F. J.
Macleod. Highest mark for music—Lottie Seggie.
Pianoforte solo—George Fraser,
lomiilia* 1* ('hoiiiuiim
Treasurer’s Notes
Received at Oban—
Previously acknowledged
Received at Headquarters—
Previously ' acknowledged
The Glasgow Celtic Society
Mile of Pennies , Glasgow
Whist Drive, City Chambers . .
Treasure Hunt ..
Grand Bazaar, Glasgow, 28/11/53
Farquhar MacRae, Esq., Clarston
Final Total as per Mod Account
Previously acknowledged .. .. /154 17 —
Miss M. E. MacDonald, Edinburgh, . . — 4 —
Edinburgh Branch, .. . . . . 15
Am Bodach Ruadh, Vancouver .. 1 12 11
Largs Branch .. .. .. . . 11 —
Stirling Branch .. . . . . . . 10 — —
Miss Mary A. Campbell, Gourock .. —-5 —
As at 30th April, 1954 .. £182 19 11
Previously acknowledged .. . . £12 2 —
Miss J . B. Stewart, Blairgowrie . . — 11 6
Dr. John MacLeod, Fraserburgh . . —-10 6
J. A. D. McIntosh, Esq., Glasgow .. —• 12 6
Am Bodach Ruadh, Vancouver . . 1 12 10
As at 30th April, 1954 .. £15 9 4
..£2,424 3 11
.. 1,188 3 11
4 10 —
28 13 3
93 4 2
22 5 8
613 8 4
■ ■£4,276 9 3
(Continued from p. 54)
dard was very high. The Hall was packed for
the evening Concert, over which Mr. Derek
Thomson presided. I had the pleasure of
introducing him and also moving a vote of
thanks to Mrs. Budge, Jura, for presenting the
prizes. I was also called upon to give short
addresses in Gaelic and English, and I made
this the occasion of conveying the thanks of
An Comunn to all who had laboured so hard to
make the Mod so successful.
Mr. Alex. Maclndeor, Convener, and Mr. Neil
MacKechnie, Secretary, and members of the
Local Committee deserve the cordial thanks of
An Comunn for their work on behalf of Gaelic
in the Island. Neil Shaw.
Is fearr dicheall an duine laig na neo-shunnd
an duine laidir.
Na mol neach sam bith tuilleadh is a’ choir,
gus nach bi rum agad aii* a chaineadh.
Na iarr comhrag is na ob i (na seachainn i).
— 56