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Allmnn A<»«llisi
Dh’eisd mi gu bior-chluasach ri Calum Iain
MacLeoid a’ toirt dhuinn naidheachd Albann
Nodha air an radio bho chionn ghoirid.
Tha mi a’ creidsinn gu bheil e gle fhior gur e
Uisdeann MacEach-thighearna as a’ Mhorbh-
airne a bha ’na sgiobair air a’ bhata-sheolaidh
aig Fear Ghleann-aladail, “An Dubh-Ghleann-
ach,” d’an d’rinn Alasdair MacFhionghuin
an t-6ran maiseach. Bha feadhainn de Chloinn
MhicEach-thighearna anns a’ Mhorbhairne aig
an am, agus comhla ri sin bha “Fear a’
Ghlinne,” mar a theireadh iad, ’na uachdaran
air roinn de’n Leitir Mhorbhairneach.
Seo agaibh leth-bhreac de litir a sgriobh e as
na Druimeinean gu fear-gnothaich.
Drimnin House,
28th October, 1809.
Dear Sir ,—Would you have the goodness to
pay the enclosed sum to the collector of the
I shall be answerable for the same amount to
your order at Dalness on demand.
Having no convenient way of remitting the
within-mentioned sum to Inverness induces
me to put you to this trouble.
My mother unites in best wishes, and believe
me always, dear sir.—Your obedient servant,
(Signed) Alec. MacDonald.
B’e seo an t-Alasdair a chosg ri Tur a’
Phrionnsa aig Gleann-fhionghuin. Cha robh
e ach ochd bliadhna fichead an uair a chaochail
Chan ’eil aon MacEach-thighearna anns a’
Mhorbhairne an diugh. Tha mi a’ creidsinn
gur e Iain MacEach-thighearna, ris an abradh
cuid “Athais” mar fhrith-ainm, am fear mu
dheireadh dhiubh a bha a’ fuireach anns a’
Bha Iain fior-mhath air deanamh suas
roisgeul, agus chan aicheadh e fein sin. La a
bha siud, agus sgioba de luchd-oibre an rathaid-
mhoir aig an greim meadhon-la, bha a h-aon
diubh, Sandaidh Mhoradh, ag innse roisgeul.
Thachair do Iain a bhith anns an eisdeachd,
agus is e a thubhairt e an uair a chriochnaich
Sandaidh, “Well, a Shandaidh, chan fhada
gus am bi thu cho breugach rium fein! ’ ’
Chaidh moran a Morair agus a Arasaig do
Albainn Nodha, agus mar sin tha mi cinnteach
gu robh an naidheachd mu thimcheall “Cu
Glas Mheoble” air a h-innse. Bu mhath learn
a faotainn.
Taobh-Tuath Earraghaidheal .
Provincial Hod
Badenoch - Strathspey
The Badenoch-Strathspey Mod was held at Gran-
town-on-Spey on 30th April, and was officially opened 1
by Provost H. Grant Gumming. The adjudicators
were:—for Music, Mr. A. A. Soutar, Inverness; for
Gaelic, Mr. Alastair Fraser, Conon Bridge; Mr. J. M.
Mathieson, Nethy Bridge; Dr. N. A. R. Mackay,
F.dinburgh; and Dr. Mackay, Laggan. The Mod
Joint-Conveners were Mr. Charles Macdonald and
Mr. J . M. Mathieson. Mr. Donald J . Maclean, the
new Northern Organiser, and his predecessor, Mr.
Donald Macphail, were in attendance and helped with
the arrangements. At the Mod Concert the prizes
were presented by Mrs. D. C. Murray, and votes of
thanks were proposed by the Rev. John Campbell
and Mr. Macphail.
The following were the first-prize winners:—
Junior Section
Oral. Reading poetry (own choice: learners)—
Harriet Macdonald, Laggan. Reading unseen prose
(learners)—Donald Macmillan, Nairn. Reading from
Scriptures^—Harriet Macdonald. Conversation
(learners)—Neil Campbell, Dulnain Bridge.
Vocal Music. Solo singing: girls under 12—
Elizabeth Cromar, Aviemore. 12 to 16—Jessie Ross,
Newtonmore. Boys under 12—Jim Miller, Laggan.
12 to 16—John Mathieson, Nethy Bridge. Duet
singing—Newtonmore “A”. Boys and girls under
16—Mary Mackenzie, Aviemore.
Choral Music. Two-part harmony—Abernethy
School Choir. Unison—Abernethy School Choir.
Action Song—Abernethy School (Smeoraich).
Instrumental Music. Violin-playing; under
12 years—Fiona Mathieson, Nethy Bridge. Over 16
years—David Macintosh, K in loch laggan. Pianoforte
playing, 12 to 16 years—Lawrence C. Maclean,
Newtonmore. Piping (amateurs only)—J.Newlands,
Ballindalloch. Practice Chanter (under 16 years)—
John H. Stuart, Grantown.
Senior Section
Literature. Gaelic composition—Miss M.
Campbell, Newtonmore.
Oral . Reading unfamiliar prose (native speakers)
—Mrs. E. Cameron-Robertson. Reading from Scrip¬
tures (learners)—Miss G. Fraser, Grantown. Recita¬
tion (learners)—Miss Lorna Macleod, Newtonmore.
Sgeulachd (own choice)—Ian Macmillan, Nairn.
Vocal Music. Solo singing: female voices—
Miss Elspeth Lament, Kingussie. Male voices—
Donald Macdonald, Laggan. Former First-Prize
Winners only—Mrs. Dorothy C. Cattanach, Kingussie.
Song by lotal bard (own choice)—Mrs. Alma Mac¬
kenzie, Grantown. Duet singing—Misses G. Fraser
and Margaret Grassick, Grantown.
Choral Music . Choral singing: female voices—-
Grantown Ladies Choir. Choral singing—Newton¬
more Gaelic Choir. Trio (female voices)—Newton¬
more Trio “A.” Trio (male voices)—Na Rocais,
{Continued from p. 47)
is preferable to having English only or Gaelic only.
Those of us who can use two languages have no right
to insist that other people must use only one. There
was not the slightest suggestion in the article that the
teaching and encouragement of the Celtic languages
should “wait on a thorough study of the problem of
minority languages.’’ There has been no departure
from the primary objectives of An Comunn.—Ed.J