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List of Mew Members
From 1st May, 1952
{Continued from Vol. XLVIII p. 92)
MacKinlay, Miss Kate M., Glasgow; MacKinnon,
Captain Angus, Glasgow; MacKinnon, Mrs. Angus,
Glasgow; MacKinnon, Esq., Iain Hector, Glasgow;
MacKinnon, Miss C., Musselburgh; Mackintosh, Miss
J., Glasgow; MacLaughlin, Esq., Patrick, Islay;
MacLean, Esq., Alexander, Helensburgh; MacLean,
Miss Anne, Connel, Argyll; MacLean, Miss Ishbel,
Glasgow; MacLean, Mrs. Flora, Helensburgh;
MacLean, Miss Jessie, Mallaig; MacLean, Capt.
John, Inverness; MacLean, Esq., John C., Gourock;
MacLean, Miss Mary, Taynuilt; MacLean, Miss Mary
B., Glasgow; MacLean, Miss Morag, Pitlochry,
Perthshire; MacLellan, Miss A. P., Fort William;
MacLennan, Esq., Ian, Whitley Bay, Northumberland;
MacLeod, Esq., Ewan, Lochluichart, Ross-sh ire;
MacLeod, S. R. N., Miss Mairi Ann, Edinburgh;
Macleod, Miss Mary M., Stornoway; Macleod, Esq.,
Murdo, Kyle of Lochalsh, Ross-shire; Macleod, Esq.,
Murdo, Inverness; MacMillan, Esq., Donald,
Clydebank; MacMillan, Mrs. Catherine, Clydebank;
MacNeil, Miss Effie C., Greenock; MacNeil, Miss Mairi
M., Greenock; MacNeil, Miss Annabella, Colonsay,
Argyll; MacNeill, Mrs. A. N., Largs; MacPherson,
Miss Ruth, Inverness; Macpherson, Mrs., Thurso;
MacRae, Miss Elizabeth, Golspie; MacRae, Miss
Margaret A., Golspie; MacVicar, Mrs. Iseabal C.,
Glasgow; MacVicar, Esq., Niven, Glasgow.
Martin, Mrs. Catherine M., Helensburgh; Martin,
Esq., Farquhar, Glasgow; Matheson, Miss Kay,
Lochboisdale, South Uist; Mathieson, Miss Mary.
Kintyre; Millar, Mrs., Taynuilt, Argyll; Mitchell,
Squadron-Leader J. N. S., Glamorgan, South Wales;
Mitchell, Miss Margaret Campbell, Greenock; Moncey,
Esq., John, Glasgow; Mordin, Miss Shirley, London;
Morrison, Miss Agnes A., Glasgow; Morrison, Esq.,
Donald, North Connel, Argyll; Morrison, Esq.,
George, Glasgow; Morrison, Esq., J., Ardrishaig,
Argyll; Morrison, Mrs. K. A., Portree, Skye; Murray,
Mrs. Isabella Mary, Linlithgow; Murray, Nurse
Morwenna, Inverness.
Nicholson, Esq., B.A., A., Newcastleton, Rox¬
burghshire; Nicolson, Esq., William J., Garve,
Ross-shire; Niven, Mrs. Christina, Ayr.
O’Brine, Miss Thelma, Newton Mearns; Overton,
Esq., F. W., Edinburgh.
Potter, Esq., Thomas, Dalmally; Potter, Mrs.
Catherine D., Dalmally.
Ramsay, Miss E. S., Glasgow; Rennie, Esq.,
William N., Rothesay, Bute; Rennie, Miss Annie
B., Rothesay, Bute; Rennie, Miss Isabella, Rothesay,
Bute; Reyburn, Mrs. Robert, Bridge of Weir;
Robertson, Esq., Alex., Edinburgh; Ross, Miss E.
M. Stewart, Hamilton; Ross, Miss Helen, London;
Ross, M.A., Rev. J., Grantown-on-Spey; Ruthven,
Esq., Angus M., Edinburgh.
Saunders, Miss Phyllis Helen, Helensburgh, Scott,
Miss Flora H., Glasgow; Shaw. Esq., Donald,
Helensburgh; Smith, Miss Anne, Helensburgh;
Smith, Miss Mary R., Isle of Arran; Stage, Miss
Kathleen McL. .N., Edinburgh; Stevenson, Esq.,
John, Glasgow; Stewart, Miss Susan M., Edinburgh;
Stewart, Miss Margaret, Stornoway; Sutherland,
Mrs. Margaret, Sutherland.
Thomson, Esq., Donald, Alexandria; Thomson,
Mrs. Donald, Alexandria; Thomson, Esq., Iain,
Glasgow; Thurlow, Mrs., Stirling.
Walker, Esq., John, Rothesay, Bute; Washington,
Mrs. Vashti Grant, Timperley, Cheshire; Witt, Miss
Beatrice S. L., London.
Yates, Esq., G. W., London.
, to 30th April, 1953.
Atkinson, Mrs. Mary F., Rothesay; Black, Miss
Catherine, Taynuilt; Buchanan, Rev. M., Dingwall;
Campbell, Esq., A. C., London ; Donald, Sheriff,
Rothesay; Donald, Mrs. Flora M., Rothesay; Duff,
Miss Mary M., Edinburgh; Fletcher, Esq., Donald,
Oban; Goodbody, Esq., Guy U., Connel, Argyll;
Graham, Mrs. H., Greenock; Halliday, Mrs. George
Stepps; Hunter, Mrs. Catherine, Pitlochry; Kellock,
Esq., Wm., Bo’ness. West Lothian; Kerr, Mrs.
Robert, Luss; Lament, Miss Elspeth Ann, Milngavie;
Loch, Mrs. E. M., Herts; Lynn, Mrs., Mallaig;
Macdonald, Esq., Archd., Grantown-on-Spey;
MacDonald, Miss Elizabeth F., Taynuilt; MacKerrow,
Esq., M., Lauder; MacKinnon, Esq., J. W., Ardbeg,
Rothesay; MacKinnon, Miss R. M., Rothesay;
MacLeod, Miss Betsy, Skye; McLeod, Esq., Donald,
Glasgow; Macmillan, M.B.E., Miss H., Skye;
MacPhail, Miss Catherine Susan, Dunoon; MacPhee,
Mrs. Hugh, Bearsden; Macrae, Major J., Edinburgh;
Mitchell, Esq., J., Aberdeen; Mundell, Esq., Walter
I., Ross; Nicholson, Esq., W., Rhu; Nicholson,
Mrs. Dorothy A., Rhu; Pollard, Miss C. M., Prest-
wich, Nr. Manchester; Ring land. Esq., Archibald
MacDonald, Glasgow; Ross, Mrs. M., Skye; Ross,
Esq., Walter T., Dundee; Whyte, Esq., Tearlach
MacGregor, Oban; Whyte, Mrs. MacGregor, Oban;
Wimberley, Major-General Douglas, Dundee.
Arthur, Marion Evelyn, Edinburgh; Brown,
Morag, Strontian, by Fort William; Campbell, Miss
Nancy, Islay; Gillies, Miss Anne M., Glasgow;
Lament, Miss Jean C., Ardrishaig, Argyll; Mac-
Callum, Calum, Campbeltown; MacCallum, Duncan
Raibeart, Campbeltown; MacCallum, Niall, Camp¬
beltown; Macleod, Miss Dorothy, Glasgow; Mac Lure,
Caroline, Ayr; Paton, Mairi, Greenock; Sloan, Anne,
M., Greenock; Sloan, Mairi M., Greenock; Smith,
John, Stornoway.
Ceilidh nan Gaidheal, Dundee; Glasgow Islay
Gaelic Choir; Glasgow University Ossianic Club;
Laxdale Senior Gaelic Choir; Maryhill and District
Highland Association; St. Andrews University
Celtic Society; The Clans’ Association of Paisley.
Bho t.d. 18
uime. Bidh sinne a tha bed anns an linn as-
creidmhich seo gle mhall gu creideas sam bith
a thoirt do sgeul faoin de’n t-seorsa, ach tha,
aig a’ cheart am, iomadh leasan maith ri
fhaotainn uaithe.
A bharrachd air sin, bidh sinn ullamh air a
bhith ag radh nach robh anns an t-sluagh am
measg an d’eirich na beachdan faoine seo ach
sluagh dorcha, borb, amaideach, aineolach.
Tha eagal mor orm gu bheil sinne, moiteil is
mar a tha sinn as ar cuid foghluim, moran na’s
fhaide air ais ann an iomadh ni na iadsan.
{An Gaidiheal, 1877)
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