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22. Coraide dhuinn breath le Eoin,
is m d’a dheoin do-ni,
ag tiodhlacadh each is oir,
fa seach, mar as coir i righ.
23. A Righ nimhe, Muire Oigh,
dlighthe, mar as doigh, mo dhion ;
mo bhreath ’san chathair gan cheilt,
i bhfuil Athair Mhic an Riogh.
Rioghacht ghaisgeadli.
1. “ A kingdom of warriors is the heritage
of Eoin; of his own will his deed travels
far; a matter that for others is not within
the compass of a spell, has found in his
person its fulfilment ever.”
2. Compare “ da rinn ghaisgeadh Gaoidheal
Greag,” “ two constellations of valour of
the Gael of Greece ” : Rel. Celt. II., 222.
4. “ White-toothed hawk of the three glens ”
—Gleann Lfobhunn (Glen Lyon), Gleann
Urchaidh (Glen Orchy), and Gleann
Sraithe, now Gleann Sreithe (Glen Strae).
What of Glen Dochart?
5. Ceacht, usually Dianceacht, was the god
of healing of the pagan Gael.
7. “No hidden portion is their flesh and
their wine,” i.e., they give freely of their
flesh and of their wine.
“ Mar do thi,” wherever they go.
8. Compare “ Clann Morna, giodh maith na
fir nochar chuir se sin a mbrigh,” “ Of
Clan Morna, though good the men, he
recked not ought ”: Rel. Celt. I., 76, 6
(Dean of L.).
15. “ While lasts the fortune of MacGregor
or forays, each man’s word brings him his
22. Compare “ rue Dia breth le Calum Cille,”
“ God decided in favour of C.C.”: Celt.
Zeit. V., 42.
aladh, a wound.
branan, a chess king; branan foirne, king
of the company (set).
corr, rounded, taper; dearc corr, suil
chorr, a rounded eye, as opposed to a
“ wall eye.”
cuan, a litter, brood ; “ leoghan de chuain
Eireann e”;—Praise of MacDiarmaid.
cuibhdhe, fitness, meetness.
damhach, having a numerous retinue;
here the reference is probably to poet
bands at MacGregor’s court,
freiteach, a vow of avoidance; tugadar
freiteach re soisgel De dh’eisteacht,
they have vowed against hearing the
gospel of God : Carswell, Lit. 12, 7;
do freitighib Naesi techt a nEirinn ar
sith acht le tri, one of Naesi’s vows was
not to come in peace to Eire save with
three: Celt. Rev. I., 14; thug e
freiteach ris an eaglais I ghabh e fuath
oirre, he vowed to shun the Church,
etc. : Turner, 218; bheir mise is Aldan
glan ur I freiteach bliadhna ri tur
Fhinn: Dain Ghaisge, 125. Eionn’s
three vows of avoidance are implied
here, rather than expressed,
geall, a pledge; breith a ghill, to win his
pledge ; to out-do him.
greas, an attack.
greath, noise, clang; greatliach,
mall, equable, stately,
rath, good fortune; hence “ mac ratha,”
a man of good fortune,
ru, a lord, king,
treith, weak.
(Choisinn seo an dara duais aig Mod 1914.)
Fonn—“Hail to the Chief.’’
A sheilein bhig dhripeil, sud dh’fhalbh thu
air t-iteig
Gun suil na do dheidhidh ’s tu siubhal cho
A’ dearcadh ort fhathast mar sgleo anns an
Ach sud thu a sealladh, gun fhios again
De math dhuit ’nad’ astar ’s do chul ri do
A dhion thu bho fhrasan ’s bho ghaillion
nam Mart,
De gheibh thu r’a dheoghal an crualach an
Gun urach no uileann bhi fathast fo
bhlhth ?
D^ aobhar do ehabhaig roimh dhunadh an
’Na theirig na bh’agad am badain nan
Nach seall thu ’s gach lagan tha faisg air
do dhachaidh
Mas teid thu air asiar cho fada bho