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(7) Contents -- English -
An Comunn Gaidhealach, - - - 9
,, ,, and its progress, - - 66
Aberdeen Provincial Committees, - 41
April Classes, ----- 185
Branch Reports, 46, 79, 95, 111, 126, 158
Celtic Art, - - - - - 92, 121
Celtic Echoes and Reflections, - - 93
Celtic Literature, - - - - 63
Dean of Lismore, from the Book of the,
52, 84, 140
Donald MacKinnon, F.E.I.S (por¬
trait), ; } J.83
Donations, - - - 31, 127, 176, 1,92
Dr. William MacKay on Gaelic, - - 110
Expressiveness of Gaelic, - - - 127
Executive Council Meetings,
44, 57, l().9, 166
Gaelic Essay Competition, - • - 56
Grants to Teachers of Gaelic, - - 67
Growth of Gaelic Literature, - - 62
History in Lowland Place Names, - 99
Impressions of the Mod, - - • 26
Impressions of Lochgilphead Mod, - 148-
Leaving Certificate Examinations,, 124, 157
Lochgilphead Provincial Mod, - - 149
London Gaelic Choir, - - - - 61
Mairead, - - - - - - 26
Mr. Malcolm MacLeod (portrait), V - 68
New Gaelic Readers, - - - - 185
New Members, - - 15, 31, 71, 185
Notes and Comments, - - - 76, 92
Other Celtic Associations, - - - 40
Pickings of Interest, - - - - 173
Propaganda Tours, - - 77, 116, 139
Reviews, - - - 15, 47, 63, 74, 191
Scots Dialect, - - - - - 95
Secretary’s Page,
60, 75, 90, 108, 122, 138, 151, 171, 186
Spring School for Missionaries, - - 130
The Celtic Review, - - - - 10
,, Celts in Towns, - - - - 136
,, Census and the Highlands, - - 74
' ,, Census Returns, - - - - 28
;, Education Authorities and Elec-
■ tions, ----- 83
,, Ethnology of Scotland, - - 14
Future of the Gaelic Language, - 173
,, Highland Dress, - - - 134
„ Irish, - - - - . 104
,, Late Mr. Donald Macphie (por-
'■ -P* 179
G "Mines of El Dorado, - - 147, 163
,, - Scottish People, - - - - 11
,, Teaching of Gaelic in Schools, - 107
,, Twenty-fifth Annual Mod, - - 18
. Unsuittible Education, - - - 59