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Seabhag Ghorm, Seabhag Seilge, An lannair
(Sheilge)—Peregrine Falcon.
Speireag Bheag Bhuddhe, Speireag Biieag an
JJeargan Allffc—Kestrel.
lolair, lolaire Bhuidhe, Fir-eun-—Golden
Clamhan, Clamhan Luch—Common Buzzard.
Clamhan Loin, Croman L6in, Spiilaire Buidhe
—Marsh Harrier.
Seabhag, Seobhag, Speireag, Teobhag —
Sparrow Hawk.
Croman Luch, An Croman—Kite.
t’orra Ghribheach, Corra Ghl'as, Corra
Gr&ineag, Corra Ghrain, Am Buiriche—
Eala, Eala Bhan—Swan.
Giadh Got, Got Ghiadh—Brent Goose.
An Cathan, Leadan—Barnacle Goose.
Cra-ghiadh—Sheld Duck.
Lach Riabhach, Lach Ghlas, Glas Lach, Lach
a Chinn Uaine—Mallard.
Crann Lach, Crion Lach—Teal.
Lach Lochl’annach, Glas Lach—Wigeon.
Lach Stuadhach—Pintail.
Lach an Sgumain, Sgumalach—Tuifted Duck.
Lach Mhor, Lach Heisgeir—Eider Duck.
Siolta—Red Breasted-Merganser.
Sgarbh Mor, Sgarbh an Uchd-Ghil, Am
Sgarbh Beag, Orag Bheag, Sgarbh Buill —
(R’a leantainn).
“ Leis a’ chabhaig a th’ air Lisidh Dhomhnaill
Bhig, chanainn gu robh tigear na tanc! ”
Historic Home for An Comunn 1
One of the oldest buildings in Inverness, §
Abertarff House, built between 1593 and 1597, i
is to become the northern offices of An |
Comunn Gaidhealach.
At a ceremony on Thursday, 7th July, Dr. 1
J. A. Maclean, director of education for f
Inverness-shire, and a member of the High- |
land Council of the National Trust for Scot- |
land, handed overf the key of the building to 1
Mr. Donald Grant, president of An Comunn. j
The ceremony was held Outside Abjertarff
House, which has a courtyard leading on to \
Church Street.
Ptovost William J. Mackay, Inverness, said
of the occasion: “Who better is there to tenant !
this building than the Highland Association, j
as it is called in England ?’’
An Comunn plan to use the ground; floor of
the house as a museum, information and sales
centre; the first floor as offices, and the attic
as stores space for books and tapes, etc.
An Comunn at the moment occupy rented
accommodation in Academy Street, Inverness,
and plan to move “ as soon as possible’’ to
Abertarff House. The cost of restoring the
building was! £13,000.
Abertarff House consists of two storeys and
an attic; a small stone near the roof bears the .
date 1593 or 1597.
Miss Isobel H. Anderson, in her book ]
“Inverness before the Railways” 1885,
described it as: —
“The last remaining of those of which
there were once a good many in Inverness—
houses with a semi-cylindrical stonej append- t
age projecting outwards, inside which a
turnpike staircase conducts to the entrance
on the first floor.”
No information is available as to the builder
or the first owner, but the late Miss
McDougall, Burgh Librarian of Inverness and
an authority on local history, thought it may
have belonged to the Schives family who had
property in the area.
A Mr. Warrand of Warrandfield owned it,
and soldi it to a wine merchant named Suter.
Later it became the property of Colonel
Archibald Fraser of Lovat, son of the Lord
Lovat of the “ ’45 ”. Miss Anderson states:
"It had a large garden behind, with a
flight of steps leading' down to the river—old
Archie Lovat had alAvavs a. great dread of
a French invasion, and he fancied in the
event of an enemy coming to Inverness, he
could easilv make his escape at the back
entrance and £fet into a boat which would
convey him to Beauly.”