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IF YOU ARE INTERESTED in Gaelic, Scotland’s early language, history,
traditions, or the basis of much of its culture, you will be interested in becoming
a member of An Comunn Gaidhealach whose aims are—
1. The teaching and use of the Gaelic Language.
2. The study and cultivation of Gaelic Literature, history, music and art.
3. The native industries of the Highlands of Scotland and the wearing of
the Highland Dress.
Ordinary Membership 10/- Life Membership £5 5/-
To: The Director, An Comunn Gaidhealach, 65 West Regent Street, Glasgow, C.2,
or 92 Academy Street, Inverness.
* I wish to become a member of An Comunn Gaidhealach and I enclose
as my annual subscription.
* I enclose as a Donation.
* Delete if not applicable.
To: The Manager (Name of Bank)
Please pay the Clydesdale Bank Limited, at * Moore Place Branch, 134 West
George Street, Glasgow, C.2, A/C No. 105140, or at *37 Gueensgate, Inverness,
82-65-18, on account of An Comunn Gaidhealach the sum of
as an Annual Subscription and the same amount on the day of
in each year until further notice from me.
* Please indicate at which Branch you would prefer payment to be made.
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