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Dh’eirich connsachadh. eadar triuir
thaillearan uair mu an obair. Thubhairt fear:
Theid agamsa air deise a dheanamh do
dhuine a fhreagras e gu coimhlionta, gun a
thomhas a ghabhail idir. Chan’eil agam ach
fhaicinn ’na sheasamh deich mionaidean air
mo bheulaibh! ”
Chonnsaich an dara taillear: “ Ni mise
deise do dhuine a fhreagras e gu coimhlionta
ged nach deanainn ach fhaicinn bhuam a’ dol
seachad air oisean sraide! ”
“ Tuts,” ars’ an treas fear, ‘‘ tha mi f^in
nas fearr na aon agaibh. Ni mise deise do
dhuine a fhreagras e gu coimhlionta ged nach
faicinn ach oisean na sraide air an deach e
seachad! ’ ’
Executive Council
The Executive Council met in An Comunn
Gaidhealach Office, Glasgow, on Saturday,
16th January.
Minutes of two meetings of the Special
Committee, which is concerned with the
appointment of a Director, were submitted
and approved. Among the items approved
was the advertisement for the post which is
as follows: —
“ Applications are invited from men or
women with suitable qualifications and
experience for the new post of Director.
The person appointed will be the chief
executive officer of the organisation in full
charge of its affairs and directly respons¬
ible to the Executive Committee. The
appointment offers a challenge and an
opportunity to a person of initiative to
undertake work of vital importance to the
Gaelic speaking people.
Applicants must have organising and
business ability, and be fluent Gaelic
speakers. Salary scale is £1,800 to £2,500
by increments of £50, with placing
according to qualifications and experience.
The post is superannuable, and there are
travelling allowances.
Application forms and further informa¬
tion are available from the President,
An Comunn Gaidhealach, 65 West Begent
Street, Glasgow, C.2, to whom com¬
pleted application forms must be re¬
turned not later than Monday, 1st March,
The Council approved of methods to be
employed to have the scheme financed such as
an appeal to (1) Life Members to contribute
£l per annum ; (2) Branches, Affiliated
Societies, Clan and Scottish Societies, at home
and overseas to contribute towards the es¬
tablishment of a capital sum.
A special sub-committee was formed to con¬
sider applications.
Arising from minutes of the Finance Com¬
mittee the Council agreed to give £500 to the
two Comunn na h-Oigridh camps to be held
in Inverness this summer under the auspices
of Inverness-shire Education Committee. The
intention is to hold the two camps, one for
bona fide learners of Gaelic and the other for
native speakers, at the same time and mem¬
bers agreed that An Comunn’s contribution
should be used for purchasing extra equipment
necessary, the equipment to remain the
property of An Comunn.
The Council also agreed to meet the cost
of two harps to be given to Comunn na
Clarsaich for the use of persons who were
learning to play the clarsach. This grant is
made possible because of the Esme Smythe
Legacy which was given to the late Angus
Robertson, along with two other gentlemen,
in the hope that it would be used for the
encouragement and advancement of the Gaelic
language, Literature, Music and the Trad¬
itional Celtic Arts and Handycrafts. ”
As recommended by the Southern Area
Committee the Council decided to ask the
Edinburgh Branch to continue with An
Comunn’s stall at this year’s Royal Highland
Show. Arrangements for a Southern Area
Conference with representatives from Affiliated
Societies, as well as Branch representatives,
to be held in The Highlanders’ Institute, on
Saturday, 27th March, were approved.
In connection with the Commonwealth
Arts Festival, An Comunn has been invited
by the Festival Committee to hold a Gaelic
Concert in the Glasgow Concert Hall on
Friday, 24th September, 1965, and the Presi¬
dent gave details of the attractive and varied
programme which has been arranged.
In response to a telegram from Lord
Hare wood, Artistic Director of the Edinburgh
International Festival, the Council agreed to
organise a Ceilidh to be held in Leith Town
Hall on Friday, 3rd September.
It was ‘‘ Question Time ” at the first
meeting in 1965 of the Vale of Leven Branch.
On the answering panel were Dr. Ian M. M.
Macphail, Rev. Dr. Alistair C. King, Dr. Gray
and Mr. T. Boyd Stirling. Questions, ranging
from local to national issues, were dealt with
in unbiased and often witty fashion by this
very competent panel. The undoubted
success of the evening ensured that this ven¬
ture will be included in the syllabus in future
— 36 —