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AN GAIDHEAL. An Ceitein, 1937.
The following are some of the principal
provisions of the scheme: —
1. University bursaries of £30 per annum
are to be open for competition to young
persons ordinarily resident in the area in
which the Trust operates. Candidates for
these bursaries shall be given an opportunity
of undergoing an examination in Gaelic
language and literature, and in awarding
the bursaries, regard shall be had to the
result of such examination.
2. Similar bursaries will be awarded,
tenable at a Central Institution or a Training
College. The same conditions as to Gaelic
will apply.
3. Secondary School Bursaries will be
offered for competition, available to those
in the area of benefit who require financial
aid to pursue their higher studies. Here
also the same conditions as to Gaelic will
4. Assistance may be given to girls and
young women requiring financial aid to
enable them to attend the Craibstone School
of Rural Domestic Economy, or any similar
institution, also to young persons having to
leave home while serving apprenticeships or
undergoing other courses of practical train¬
ing. In granting this assistance, Governors
are to have regard to the knowledge of
Gaelic, if any, possessed by the candidates.
5. Grants may be made to County
Councils to enable them to promote the
teaching of Gaelic in Central Schools
selected by the Governing Body. These
grants may be given for (a) supplementing
the salaries of teachers of Gaelic, (6) paying
the costs involved in enabling teachers in
the selected schools to attend Vacation
Classes in Gaelic; (c) providing standard
Gaelic text books for the libraries attached
to these schools.
The Moray Press, Ltd., Edinburgh and
London, hope to publish by the end of this
month a new histoiy of the Highlands by
Mr. William C. Mackenzie, to be entitled,
“The Highlands and Isles of Scotland:
A Historical Survey.’’ This book, we are
informed, is not in any way a revised edition
of the author’s “ Short History of the High¬
lands’’ (which has gone through four
editions), but is on entirely different lines.
It will break new ground hitherto untouched
by Scottish historians.
Mr. Mackenzie is well known as a
historian and author, his latest book,
“ Fletcher of Saltoun,” being exceptionally
well received by competent authorities. He
is the author of “A History of the Outer
Hebrides,’’ “The Races of Ireland and
Scotland,” “Simon Lord Lovat,” “John
Maitland, Duke of Lauderdale,” and many
Mr. Mackenzie, as W.C.M., has lately
contributed very informative and interesting
articles to our pages.
There is room indeed for a new history
of the Highlands and Isles, and we await
Mr. Mackenzie’s with great interest and
It is with sincere regret we record the
death on 11th April of Mr. Hugh MacLean
of Troon, formerly of Greenock. Mr.
MacLean has been for many years a life
member of An Comunn, and took a deep and
active interest in its work. He represented
the Greenock Highland Society on the
Executive Council, and was a trustee of the
Feill Funds.
Although his voice was seldom heard in
debate, he was, while health permitted, a
faithful and interested attender at the
Executive meetings, and at the National
Mods, to the funds of which he was a
generous contributor. Mr. MacLean, who
was of a kindly and cultured disposition, was
in his 68th year, and had been in failing
health for some time. The General Secre¬
tary represented An Comunn at the funeral,
which took place at Troon on the 13th ult.
Two prizes, three and two guineas, are
offered again for the best Gaelic plays suit¬
able for children. The plays may be either
one or two acts, and must be the original
work of the competitor. They should be
clearly written or typed on one side of the
paper, and should be posted to Mr. G. E.
Marjoribanks, Sonachan, Dalmally, on or
before the last day of August, 1937. A sub¬
committee of Clann an Fhraoich will
adjudicate on the plays, which will be the
property of An Comunn.