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An Comunn Gàidhealach Publications > Gaidheal > Volumes 44--45, January 1949--December 1950

(195) Aireamh 9, An Damhar - Clar-Innsidh [Contents]

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(195) Aireamh 9, An Damhar - Clar-Innsidh [Contents]
Tim 11 *« a Itlios

Rev. T. M. Murchison, M.A.
Advertising and Circulation
James Harrison Miller
All correspondence should be
addressed to the Editor, except
that concerning advertising and
circulation, which should be
addressed to the Manager.
131 West Regent Street,
Glasgow, C.2
Telephone: Douglas 1433

Leabhar XLV Aireamh 9
Principal Contents
Naidheachd d Inbhir-Asdal 125
Sgeul Coin Mholaich . . 128
Mod Mor Inbhir-Nis .. 137
Crotag an Doire-Sheilich 139
Cladh Tom na h-Iiibhraich 142
A Glorious Page of History 123
The One Who Will Come . . 127
The Highland Capital . . 130
“The Bridge” .. .. 133
Previous Inverness Mods . . 134
Visit to Nova Scotia .. 135
How the Mod Began .. 147
Ce6 29
Calanas .. .. .. 29
Mac an t-Sr6naich .. . . 30
Our Cover Picture
‘‘Inverness, 1949”
IT is always a pleasure for many of
us to return to Inverness, and
especially does one look forward
to attending the national Mod as,
for the seventh time, it returns to
the Highland Capital. Given good
weather, this Mod should be one of
the best yet. The local committee
and officials have put in an extra¬
ordinary amount of hard work for
many months past, and we feel
sure that it will all be found to
have been supremely worth while.
In this Number of the Magazine
we have tried to provide for our
readers a good deal more than they
usually get for their 6d (not that
we think our ordinary numbers are
not worth 6d!). We are greatly
indebted to the writers who have
so readily and kindly acceded to
our request for special articles.
Dr. Evan M. Barron has a place
all his own as a historian. Dr.
Neil M. Gunn is in the top rank of
contemporary writers. . Mr. Angus
MacVicar, a prolific and gifted
writer with a large public for his
books, is one of ourselves, a son
of the Rev. Angus MacVicar,
Southend, than whom we know
no one better versed in Gaelic lore.
Dr. John Macpherson has proved
himself both as a Gaelic scholar
and as a churchman. Mr Alastair
Grant, editor of The Highland
Herald, has long used a practised
and pungent pen bn behalf of the
Highland people. Mr. Albert D.
Mackie, poet and essayist, and
editor of the Edinburgh Evening
Dispatch, has added an excellent
command of Gaelic to his other
accomplishments. To them all
we are most grateful.
IT is cause of much regret that
some of the leading officials of An
Comunn have been ill during
these last busy weeks prior to the
Mod. Dr. J ohn Cameron has been
suffering from strain and over¬
work; Mr. Neil Shaw became
unwell on his way back from
Canada; Mr. Donald MacPhajl
has also been indisposed; and
earlier in the summer Mr. Alastair
Matheson was on the sick-list.
We are glad to hear that all of them
have made, or are making, a good
recovery. We record our thanks to
all those who so willingly helped
in the immense task of preparing
for the Mod, both at Inverness and
in Glasgow.
Dr. Cameron’s New Book
THE Stair Society has just
published a well-produced
volume. The Justiciary Records
of Argyll and the Isles, 1664-1705,
transcribed and edited, with an
introduction, by Dr. John Cameron,
LL.B., President of An Comunn
Gaidhealach. We congratulate Dr.
Cameron on this fine piece of work,
which must have taken much time
and labour. We hope to give a
longer notice of the book in a
future issue.
Scottish Industries Exhibition
AT this great exhibition of the
products of Scottish industry
and craftsmanship, held in the
Kelvin Hall, Glasgow, from 1st
to 17th September, the North of
Scotland and the West Highlands
and Islands were remarkably well
represented. Three firms or
associations from Shetland, two
from Stornoway, one from Inver¬
ness and one from Bute — with
tweeds and/or knitted goods—
attracted much notice. Two of
the firms advertising in this maga¬
zine had stands—Celtic Art
Industries and Barrmor Tool Works,
E asdale.
Gliocas nan Gaidheal
Is fcarr lagh a’ ghr&idh na gradh an lagha
Firinn air son a’ Mhios seo
Bi reidh ri t’eascaraid gu luath, am feadh a bhios tu
maille ris san t-slighe.—Mata v.25.
The Castle, Inverness
— 121 —