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Naiclliearliri na li-Airtle Tuatli
THE Organiser was present at
a function held at Balnain,
Glenurquhart, on 16th March,
in aid of National Mod funds.
This effort was organised by Mr.
Kenneth MacLean, Headmaster,
and proved very successful.
On the following evening Mr.
MacPhail paid his annual visit to
the Kingussie branch. Mr.
Duncan M. MacKenzie, Head¬
master, Newtonmore, acted as
F ear-an -T ighe. Mr. MacKenz ie
has now removed to Edinburgh,
where he has received an important
appointment in his profession. In
the course of the evening the
branch made a presentation to Mr.
MacKenzie, after which Mr. John
MacKinnon, M. A., Hon. Secretary,
paid a warm tribute to Mr. Mac-
Kenzie’s work in Badenoch,
where he had given great assistance
to the various branches over a
period of nine years. Mr. Mac¬
Phail also conveyed the sincere
thanks of the Northern Committees
to Mr. MacKenzie for his grand
work in the area, especially for his
assistance in promoting several
very successful local mods at
Newtonmore. The best wishes of
the Badenoch district go with Mr.
MacKenzie to his new home in
Ceilidh nan Gaidheal an Inbhir-
Nis held its closing ceilidh in
the Town Hall on 19th March,
with Mr. Donald MacPhail, Presi¬
dent, in the Chair. Mr. Allan
Smith, Lewis, was the oraidiche
for the evening. There was again
a large attendance at this all-
Gaelic gathering.
National Mod Concerts
The first series of Gaelic and
Scots concerts, in aid of National
Mod funds, was held during the
week commencing 21st March.
Provost Hugh Ross presided
at the first of these in the
Town Hall, Inverness, before a
large audience. The guest artistes,
Iain R. Douglas and Mary C.
MacNiven, Mod Gold Medallists,
were very warmly received. They
were ably supported by local artistes
and by Miss Mary MacDonald,
On the following evening Mr.
J. N. MacLeod, President of the
Beauly branch, presided at the
second concert, held in the Phipps
Hall, Beauly. There was a
satisfactory attendance, and the
concert was thoroughly enjoyed
by all present.
Ex-Provost Fletcher presided at
the third of these concerts, held in
the Town Hall, Nairn. There was
a fair attendance, and sincere
thanks are due to Miss Catriona
MacDonald, Branch Secretary, who
made all the arrangements.
Craig Dunain Hospital
In opening the fourth of the
concerts, Dr. William McWilliam,
Medical Superintendent, said that
the concert filled a dual role, that
of providing an entertainment for
the patients and also to help with
the National Mod funds. There
was a satisfactory attendance and,
at the close of the concert, the
Chairman thanked Mr. MacPhail
for bringing such a talented company
to the hospital and said how much
the patients appreciated a concert
of this nature.
The last concert of the series
was held in the Town Hall, Ding¬
wall. Unfortunately Provost A.
MacRae was unable to preside as
he had been involved in a motor
accident that evening. Dr. D. J.
MacLeod, Branch President, took
the place of the Provost and Mr.
MacPhail gave a short talk in
Gaelic and in English. The
organisation of this concert was in
the hands of Mrs. N. A. S. Camp¬
bell, Honorary Secretary, and, in
addition to the Mod Gold
Medallists, she had a galaxy of
talent, among whom were Mr.
Duncan Morrison, the famous
pianist, Mr. I. A. MacSween,
Mrs. Hester MacLeod, a charming
troupe of Highland Dancers, Miss
Helen R. MacRae, noted violinist,
Mr. Donald MacLeod, Avoch, Mr.
A. W. Calder, Embo, and support¬
ing local talent. The hall was full
to capacity and the concert was
thoroughly enjoyed by all present.
The second series commenced at
Lairg on Monday, 28th March.
The guest artistes for this series
were Iain R. Douglas and Petrine
M. Stewart. At Lairg Mr. William
Grant, President, presided. The
night selected (Monday) did not
seem to be suitable and the audience
was not as large as was hoped.
Nevertheless, all present enjoyed
a very fine concert.
On the following night a similar
concert was held under the auspices
of the Helmsdale branch and, in
the unavoidable absence of the
President, Mr. MacPhail presided.
There was a fair attendance. All
the arrangements were made by
Mrs. M. C. Ross, Honorary
Secretary, and her committee.
Mrs. Wilson, Sunrise, President
of the Brora branch, presided at
this concert, held in the Drill
Hall. The attendance here was
very satisfactory and sincere thanks
are due to Mr. Nicolson, Secretary,
and Mr. R. MacDonald, Treasurer,
who made all the arrangements.
Mr. Donald MacLeod, Branch
President, opened the Golspie
concert with bagpipe selections
and then invited Mr. MacPhail to
preside. There was a fair atten¬
dance and the concert programme
was thoroughly enjoyed by all.
The last concert of the series was
held in the Drill Hall, Dornoch,
on Friday, with Mr. John MacLean,
Branch President, as Chairman.
The arrangements for the concert
were in the hands of Mr. Calum
MacDonald, Honorary Secretary,
and the success of the effort reflects,
very creditably, Mr. MacDonald’s
organising abilities. At the close
Mr. MacPhail spoke in Gaelic and
in English and voiced the sincere
thanks of the Mod Committee to
all who had in any way helped to
promote such a successful concert
in aid of a worthy Cause.
Recent Books (fromp. 65)
author, however, makes the point
that some of the ardent protagonists
of Breton have made the mistake
of confirming the man-in-the-street
in his opinion that Breton belongs
to the category of stage-coaches,
candle-lighting, and other out-of-
date things. We fear that many
people regard Scottish Gaelic in
this light also.
It appears that the most en¬
thusiastic supporters of Breton and
the keenest workers in the cause
are “literary townsmen” who have
learned Breton and who quite
often have to face the opposition
of the native speakers of the
The book ends with a long
bibliography of the most important
Breton publications—poetry, tales,
novels, plays, translations from
other languages, religious works,