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“ Cuimhnich na Laoich : Cuidich an Oigridh ”
I onmliaw a* Choinuinn
War memorial ami
Thankwgrivingr Fund
Organiser: t
Miss Normanna MacAskill, 74 Berkeley St., Glasgow, C.2
(Douglas 0609).
The popular series of Islands and Mainland
Quizes terminated on Tuesday, 8th February,
with an “ Islands versus Mainland Quiz ” in the
Highlanders’ Institute. Two teams of 14 took
part, each Association which had competed in
the previous Quizes sending two members to
form the teams. The Island Associations’ Team
won this final contest, the highest marks being
scored by the Mull and Iona Association’s
representatives. The Sutherlandshire Associa¬
tion scored highest marks in the Mainland Team.
A very happy evening was enjoyed by a large
company at the Highland Ball, which Mrs.
Wilson Dowie, Mrs. Wilfrid Scott, and their
Committee held in the Ballroom Suite of St.
Andrew’s Halls on Friday, 11th February. An
excellent display of Scottish Country Dancing
was given by members of the Scottish Country
Dance Society, and Mr. Douglas Byng, of the
Theatre Royal, entertained the company with
several clever and amusing songs.
Tickets are now being sold for the Grand
Highland Dance which is being held in St.
Andrew’s Halls on Friday, 25th March, 1949.
They cost 7/6 each (including Buffet), and may
be obtained from the Organiser or from An
Comunn Gaidhealach Office, 131 West Regent
Street, Glasgow.
Stornoway Town Council and Ross-shire
County Council have kindly granted us permis¬
sion to hold a Flag Day in the Island of Lewis
on Saturday, 23rd April next, and it is hoped
that we shall be able to take full advantage of
this splendid opportunity by having a collection
in every district throughout the Island.
OUR TARGET, by 31st December, 1950, £20,000
SO FAR ------ £3,573
“ Anail a’ Ghaidheil am Mullach.”
The Gael doesn’t rest till he reaches his objective.
Generous Commission
Write to Circulation Manager
War Memorial and Thanksgiving Fund
Previously acknowledged £3,432 18 7
Collection Box in Ardgour Hotel ... — 6 —
Proceeds of Raffle at Work Party
Meeting, 25/1/49 — 4 —
Flag Day Collection in Inverness ... 44 1 3
Ceilidh held in Duror, per Mrs. Hunter 4 -— —
D. J. Ewing Hunter, Esq., Helens¬
burgh 2 2 —
Proceeds of Hebrides Quiz, 10/12/48 13 6 6
Proceeds of Bring and Buy Sale,
11/12/48 58 15 11
Proceeds of Ladies’ Ceilidh, 30/11/48 7 5 —
Glasgow University Ossianic Society 10 10 —
£3,573 9 3
National Mod, Glasgow
Previously acknowledged £2,505 6 5
Paisley Highlanders’ Association ... 3 3 —
Campbeltown Branch 10
£2,518 9 5
An Comunn Central Fund
The high levels of present-day costs of all
kinds are reflected in the largely increased
expenditure involved in conducting the various
activities of An Comunn, even on the pre-war
scale, let alone expanding them. Towards
meeting this largely increased expenditure,
donations and subscriptions to the Central Fund
of An Comunn are required to the extent of
£1,000 per annum. Donations, large or small,
will be gladly received and acknowledged by the
Treasurer, Mr. James T. Graham, C.A., 5 St.
Vincent Place, Glasgow, C.l. Remittances should
be made payable to “ An Comunn Gaidhealach.”
Previously acknowledged £132 3 0
Mrs. Brodie of Brodie, Forres ... — 5 —
John MacKenzie, Esq., Nova Scotia — 5 1
£132 13 1
Ordinary members whose subscriptions for the
current year are unpaid will have received a
notification to that effect from the Treasurer.
He will be grateful for a prompt response.
— 38 —