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Sruth, Di-ardaoin, 27 latha de’n Og-mhios 1968
Sir Seumas Ann An Uibhist
Air an t-seachdainn-sa
chaidh chuir Sir Seumas Mac-
Caoidh cuairt air Uibhist a
choinneachadh ri muinntir
nan Eilean agus a dh’ fhaicinn
de an cuideachadh a dh’fhao-
dadh Bord Leasachaidh na
Gaidhealtachd a dheanamh a
thaobh obraichean ura a chur
air chois. Bha coinneamhan
aige comhla ris na Comhair-
lean lonadail ann an Uibhist-
a-Tuath. Beinn nam Faoghla
agus Uibhist-a-Deas.
Chunnaic Sir Seumas obair
nam bulbaichean ann anUib-
hist-a-Tuath agus ann an
Griomasaigh bha e aig ionad
nan giomach. Thubhairt e gu
bheil am Bord an duil cuid¬
eachadh le obair ur ann an
Griomasaigh a cheannaicheas
crubagan — an drasda tha
na h-iasgairean a’ faighinn
moran dhiubh ’s na cleibh
ghiomach agu^ chan’ eil iad
ach ’gan tilgeil air ais dh’an
Madamn Diar-daoin bha Sir
Seumas ann am Bearnaraigh
na Hearadh agus an deidh
dha cuai^-t a chur air an eil¬
ean chum e coinneamh anns
an sgoil. Bha cuid mhath de
ir.huinntir an aite cruinn, agus
dh’innis iad na rudan a
dheanamh do chor beo-shlaint
an eilein.
Bha Mgr. Raibeart Storey,
a tha air a shuidheachadh ann
an Uibhist, agus a tha a dean-
amh rannsachaidh air na h
eileann airson a Bhuird cuide
ri Sir Seumas air a thurus.
Am B.B.C.
Bha am B.B.C. ann’s an eilean
air an t-seachduin seo chaidh.
Oidhche Di-haoine sheall iad
da dhealbh—“Culloden” agus
“A Boy in Harris.” Oidhche
Di-ar-daoin bha iad a’ricordadh
da cheilidh Ghaidhlig agus
'oidhche Di-haoine ricord iad
da phrogram “ On Tour.”
Cluinnear cuid dhuihh so air an
t-samhradii so.
Geamachan Nan Sgoiltean
l Chumadh geamachan Sgoil
Cheann-a-bhaigh Di-Mairt an
aonamh latha deug aig an sgoil
fhein. Bha an t-side anabarrach
j fabharach.
Chumadh geamachan sgoil-
tean Uibhist-a-tuath air mach-
aire Hosta Do-ar-daoin an treas
atha deug. Bha moran a mach
Iagus bha an t-side anabarrach
Talla Chairinis
Chaidh urlar ur do’n talla
ann an Cairinis air an t-seach-
a* duin so chaidh. Chaidh an
Bl talla a pheantadh o chionn
h ghoirid agus tha dochas gu’m
II faighear solus an dealain
innte ann an uine nach bi
£f fada.
Tha am barrachd eisg ri
fl-aotainn air taobh an ear an
ift eilean o chionn seachduin no
lla dha. Tha luchd iasgach nan
tfu giomach air Eilean Heisgeir
i o chionn greis agus tha dol
ri'i dhaibh gu math.
The following pupils repre¬
sented Croy School at the
Inter-School Primary Sports
in Inverness — Moira Mac¬
kintosh, Timothy Bowles,
Susan Bowles and Peter
Flockhart. Reserves — Vera
Harcus, David Kelly.
The following secondary
pupils represented the school
at the Inter-School Secondary
Sports — Alister Ross, Wil¬
liam MacDonald, Margaret
Gauld, Christine M. Clark,
Ronald }. Mackintosh. Re¬
serves — Kathleen Jack, Ann
In the choral competition
for schools, with less than
100 pupils, Croy School Choir
was placed second equal. A
choir of pupils learning Gae¬
lic in primary classes 5, 6 and
7, competed in the Gaelic
section of the Inverness
Music Festival.
Brilliant sunshine, sum¬
mer dresses, lemonade, ice¬
cream, much shouting and
hilarity, especially during the
novelty races, were the in¬
gredients which ensured a
happy, exciting afternoon, at
Croy School Sports on Fri¬
day, 14th June.
Once more, the school is
grateful to Miss MacDonald,
Bydand, for the use of her
field. A good number of
parents and friends were pre¬
sent to enjoy the fun and the
good weather.
Senior Citizens Entertained
Croy Church Woman's
Guild, under their president
Mrs Johnston, entertained, in
Croy Hall, residents of
Whinnieknowe and Balblair
Eventide Homes, who were
joined by some of the local
elderly people. A sumptuous
afternoon tea was provided
by the ladies of the Guild.
After the tea the musical
programme provided was
greatly appreciated by the
audience. Thirty pupils from
Croy School provided a
Secondary Girls’ Choir; Pri¬
mary Gaelic Choir and a
Mixed Choir. More items
were provided by duettists,
Margaret Mackintosh and
Christine M. Clark, who were
joined by Margaret Gauld for
an extra song. Fiona Douglas
and Avril Mackintosh danced
the Highland Fling and the
Milkmaid respectively. M.
Campbell sang Gaelic songs
while instrumental music was
provided by Chapman Lowrie
accordion) and Mr Reid
(mouth organ). Proceedings
were chaired by Rev. D.
All artistes were warmly
thanked by Mrs Johnston; the
sincere appreciation of the
visitors was conveyed by Mrs
Anderson, Home Mission
Convener of the Presbyterial
Council who organised this
outing. The 23rd psalm, to
the accompaniement of the
accordion, followed by the
benediction brought this
homely gathering to a close.
Miss F. Murray, Inverness,
a third year student from
Aberdeen College of Educa¬
tion, has completed her rural
teaching practice at Croy
where she was a welcome
member of staff for three
weeks. Miss Murray takes up
her first teaching appointment
in Glasgow in the autumn.
On Tuesday, 11th June, un¬
der ideal weather conditions,
pupils of the secondary de¬
partment and pupils from the
top primary classes visited
Invergarry Power Station, the
Fish Hatcheries, and the
dam at Loch Garry, by cour¬
tesy of the North of Scotland
Hydro Electric Board. Apart
from the general interest of
tne specific places mentioned,
most of the children were
strangers to the Great Glen
whose topography is in strong
contrast with their own loca¬
lities. A stop at Fort Augus¬
tus, on the return journey
added to the pelasures of the
afternoon. Mr Campbell,
headmaster and Miss Mac¬
Leod of the primary depart¬
ment accompanied the pupils.
Pupils in primary classes
1 and 2 accompanied by Miss
Sinclair and Miss Murray
visited Culloden Battlefield.
T hey were welcomed by Mr
Neil MacDonald, Warden,
who has a fund of stories for
young and old. Perfect
weather made this an enjoy¬
able outing for the youngsters
Who were also provided with
stimulating topics which later
found expression in their art,
writing and modelling.
Meur Ur De Na
Airson na ciad uarach
riamh ’s na Hearadh bhonn-
taicheadh meur ionadal de’n
Phairtidh Naiseanta ’san eil¬
ean. Ihachair seo aig deir-
eadh a’ Cheitein nuair chaidh
iarraidh orra-san bha ’nam
buill a cheana thighinn gu
coinnimh air an Tairbeart los
gun cuirte am meur ur air
bhonn. Bha Domhnall Stiub-
hairt, a bhios a’ seasamh le
comhnadh a’ Phairtidh Nais¬
eanta mar bhall-parlamaid
airson nan Eileanan an lar
’san ath thaghadh parlamaid,
an lathair comhla ris an fhear
cathrach, an runaire agus an
ionmhasair, a Steornabhagh.
Ged nach eil aireamh nam
ball Hearach ach gann an
ceartuair, tha duil nach fhada
gus am bi atharrachadh air
seo, mar tha tachairt thall’s
a bhos air feadh nan eilean.
Chualas gu trie mu Ghaid-
heil a chaidh air an imrich
gu taobh thall an t-saoghail,
ach tna aon te co-dhiubh a
tha a' dol tur an aghaidh seo
— Ban-Astrailianach a tha a’
deanamh a dachaidh anns na
h Eileanan an lar. Air an
latha mu dheireadh de'n
Cheitean phos Gloria Nic-
Thomais, ban-altrum a As-
trailia. agus Domhnall Ailig
Mac’llip, a bhuineas do
Bhearnaraigh na Hearadh.
Bha a’ ghrian a’ dearrsadh gu
maiseach nuair a thainig a’
charaid a mach a Eaglais
Loch nam Madadh, an deidh
dhaibh a bhith air am posadh
leis an Urr. Ruairidh Mac-
Leoid, air a chuideachadh leis
an Urr. Iain M. Mac a’
Ghobhainn. Sonas agus soir-
bheachadh gu robh aca ’nan
dachaidh ann am Bearnaraigh.
On the first Sunday in June,
Rev. D. Johnston, M.A., Croy
Parish Church and Rev. Peter
Fraser, B.D., Glenmoriston
Church of Scotland ex¬
changed pulpits.
Culbokie, Ross-shire, was
the venue for Croy Parish
Church Sunday School outing
on Saturday, 15th June.
Favourable weather ensured
the success of the trip.
During the past two weeks,
cotractors have commenced
the building of eleven new
Council houses, on behalf of
Inverness-shire County Coun¬
cil. This new housing develop¬
ment is a continuation west¬
wards be! ind the school
buildings, of the existing
Dalcroy road scheme.
Proceeds of Flag Day Col¬
lection, on behalf of the
SSPCA, undertaken by pupils
of Croy School amounted to
£3 3s Id. Collectors were —
John A. Mackintosh, Gordon
Mackay, Norman Cameron,
William McKenzie, Pamela
McCutcheon, Moira Mackin¬
Important to
Speaking recently to an In¬
ternational conference of
teachers in Edinburgh on
“The Unity of Europeans and
the role of Scotland in
Europe,” Mr T. E. M. Lands-
borough said that while
basically there could be as¬
sumed to be a Western Euro¬
pean culture there were still
significantly different national
cultural characteristics.
He doubted if this were
any longer substantially true
of Lowland Scotland. Cen¬
turies of peaceful co-existence
witn the closely related sister
culture of England had
tended to remove most of the
characteristic differences and
particularly that of language.
In Highland Scotland, how¬
ever, there were signs of a
resurgence of practical in¬
terest in the Gaelic tongue
which, lacking linguistic af¬
finity with the English lan¬
guage, was, therefore, an
adequate medium for the sur¬
vival of a separate culture.
Perhaps national aspiration,
therefore, should seek a Gae¬
lic ambience. The choice
might well be that or con¬
tinued progressive assimila¬
tion into a major culture.
Those who chose the former
alternative would find it a
long and hard way back. As
Eire has done.
Note: Mr Landsborough, Di¬
rector of Education, County
of Clackmannan was for four
years Assistant Director of
Education in Inverness-shire
and for seven years Director
of Education, Sutherland).
Loganair ’Sna Hearadh
Tha fhios gun cualas iom-
radh air an t-sochair ur a
fhuair muinntir na Hearadh
an car goireasan siubhail.
Chuireadh traigh mhor an
Taoibh Thuath ann an Ceann
a Deas na Hearadh an fheum
a ris mar ionad tuirling do
itelain, an turus seo do iteal-
ain Loganair. Duine sam bith
a tha am beachd falbh no tig-
hinn eadar an Tirmor agus
Na Hearadh, faodaidh e sin a
dheanamh a nis gim a dhol
rathad Steornabhrigh ma
thogras e. Paidhidh e an
dearbh fharadh agus a phaid-
headh e aig muinntir a’ Bh.
E. A. Gun teagamh ’s e seir-
bhis a bhios deiseil dhuinn
tha seo agus ’s e ar guidhe
gun soirbhich leatha.
— Dunoon 1968
National Mod
£20 No. 76 —
22nd JUNE 1968
<1rs F. MacDougall
John Street
Mr H. I. Mason
Kilfinan Hotel