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Bardachd Ghaidhlig.
etangheall, 6529, mo sh., pro¬
nounced mo sheanngheall,
perhaps for mo theanngheaU, my
firm wager ; see teann.
seanns, m., 2505, good fortune,
T.56; luck; Eng., chance, mis¬
chance, chancy.
seannsail, 208, prosperous, lucky ;
an tir fhaoilidh sheannsail—
A.M. 89;
seann-todhar, m., 6560, sop s., a
wisp of old straw used for
bedding cattle.
seirbhead, 2177, bitterness;
se'ideag, f., 2823, a puff; Ir.
seitreach, 6909, strong, sturdy;
2954, potent.
eiimhidh, 5904, mild, calm; Ir.
seirm, f., 5535, music, melody.
seisd, 4533, a siege ; Eng. siege,
seisear, 6546, six persons.
seisneil, 4964,
sebl, m., 172, mode, manner; is
mairg a chitheadh air s. calla
Caismeachd chaithriseach nan
curaidh—D.M. 334.
stdlaid, f., 5311, a starting point
for sailing ; ionad seolaidh; a
harbour; a dh’ aisigeas le
reidh ghaoith Gun bheud thu
gu s.—W.R. 89; ach nan
gabhadh iad an t-s.— M.C.
341 ; an am dhomh tighinn do’n
t-s.—ib. 188 ; ib 308 ; s. acair—
Dain Iain Gobha 2 36 ; cf. an
t-Se61aid, P.N.R.C. 221.
sedl-mara, m., 5007, a tide.
sgdinteach, f., 516, gnawing pain;
rheumatism ; sgain, rend.
sgalag, f., 2668, farm-labourer;
thug mi b6id nach fhiach leam
bhi ann am sgalaig—D.M. 18,
38; (mas. in Diets); Ir. sgoldg,
f., a rustic; M. Ir. scoldc—
giUe, an attendant, farm ser¬
vant ; a student.
sgalanta, 315, shrill-sounding;
sgal, Ir. sgalaim, howl, yell.
sgalghaoir, 2853, a shrill cry,
yelling cry.
sgallach, 6853, bald ; sgall, bald¬
ness ; Norse slcalli, a bald head.
sgallaidh, 120, the bare rock ;
Norse sgalli, a bald head.
sgapach, 2714, bountiful; cf.
lamh sgapaidh oir is airgid thu,
sgaradh, m., 5989, separating,
rending asunder.
sgar, m., 5825, the seam in the
overlap of a boat’s planks ; cf.
sgarbhnach, m., 4969, cormorant-
haunted ; sgarbh, Norse skarfr,
a cormorant.
sgathadh, m., 2008, lopping off,
sgeallag, f., 2337, wild mustard
(E. Ross, sgiollag).
sgeilm, f., 4878, boasting ; root of
sgdimh-dhealbhach, 547, pictur¬
esque ; sgiamh, beauty.
sgedd, f., 1827, a corner, angular
piece ; by-form of sgdd.
sgiabail, 1719, a starting, writh¬
ing ; sgiab, a snatch; sgiobag,
a playful slap.
sgiath, f., 6034, a wing; 1718,
5074, 6843, armpit; 5074, a
ridge curving out from a hill;
common in place-names.
sgiathach, 6351, having wings,
sgibidh, 2836, smart; sgiobalta ;
cf. sgioblaich, to adjust the
dress ; tidy up.
sgled, m., 4255, vapour, dimness
of the eyes; with sgle6 feile
compare na rioghhhrugh ni
h-aisling 61, in his kingly man¬
sion, drinking is no dream—
R.C. II., 286.
sgled (scle6), m., 4180, boasting;