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316. The powers of the Verb in its Conjunctive forms
after an and the Composite Particles, are very fully
illustrated in the following examples :—
An (am).—Interrogative without an Antecedent, Pronominal
with one (IT 267).
An glac mi e ? Will I catch him ?
An la air an glac mi e. The day on which I Will catch him.
Anglacare? Will he be caught?
An la air an glacar e. The day on which he will be caught.
An glacadh iad e? Would they catch him ?
An 14 air an glacadh iad e. The day on which they would
catch him.
An glacteadh e? Would he be caught?
An 14 air an glacteadh e. The day on which he would be
An do ghlac iad e ? Did they catch him ?
An 14 air an do ghlac iad e. The day on which they caught
An do ghlacadh e? Was he caught?
An 14 air an do ghlacadh e. The day on which he was
Qu’n (gu’m). Gu makes the preceding list Affirmative (H 268).
Gu’n glac mi e. I will catch him.
Tha iad ag r4dh gu’n glac iad e. They say (that) they will
catch him.
Gu’n glacar e. He will be caught.
Tha iad ag r4dh gu’n glacar e. They say (that) he will be
Gu’n glacadh iad e. They would catch him.
Tha iad ag r4dh gu’n glacadh iad e. They say (that) they
would catch him.
Gu’n glacteadh e. He would be caught.
Tha iad ag r4dh gu’n glacteadh e. They say (that) he would
be caught.
Gu’n do ghlac iad e. They caught him.
Tha iad ag r4dh gu’n do ghlac iad e. They say (that) they
caught him.
Gu’n do ghlacadh e. He was caught.