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’» is often used for a<ju» or is between a word ending with a
vowel and another beginning with a Vowel or Consonant, as
duine ’s bean. We see by this that it enters into Composition
with the words adjoining it.
214. Alternative.—Wo (sometimes neo) = or, is used to offer <
choice of propositions, as,
Tha fear, no bean, aig a’ chladach. 1 A man, or a woman, is at ths
Is man or woman at the shore. J shore.
Tog, no fig, e. Lift, or leave, it.
215. Wo sometimes enters into Composition with Unaccented
Words beginning with a Vowel, as.
An tog mi no’m (am) fag mi e ? Will I lift or leave it ?
216. Adversative.—.4cA = but, places one statement in con¬
trast with another, as,
Thu it fear, ach sheas bean, j
Fell man but stood woman./
fell, but a woman stood.
217. Causative.—Oir = for, introduces a cause or reason, as,
Gabh do dhinneir oir tha i deas. j Take your dinner for it
Take your dinner for is it ready. / is ready.
218. When an Adjective is used to limit two Nouns
joined by a Conjunction, it enters into Composition with
the one next to it, as if the other were not there, as,
Thuit fear agus bean bhochd. |
Fell man and woman poor, j ^ Poor
and woman fell.
219. Bhochd, as we can see from the Aspiration, agrees
with bean, Feminine, in preference to fear, Masculine.
220. Exercise. Translate the following sentences
into English :—
Tha fear anus an achadh le each agus cairt. Cuir boineid ’us
cleoea air Anna bhig. Tha ’n t-each sean, ach tha e Ikidir.
Each as an rathad, oir tha thu gl6 dhraghail. Innis sgeul, no
seinn 6ran. Each do ’n tigh agus faigh sgian. Diiin an dorus