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(7) Contents -- English -
An Comunn (New Members)
15, 32, 63, 95, 110, 127, U3, 157, 175, 191
An Comunn (News) - - - - 46
A People’s Music, ----- 47
A Specific for the Gaelic Language, - 135
Ancient Forests in the Highlands, - - 99
Annual Business Meeting, - - - 19
April Classes at Inverness, - - - 155
Arbroath Gaelic Society, - - - 39
Book of the Dean of Lismore, From the,
153, 168
Branch Keports, 30, 62, 78, 93, 109, 124
Branches (New), ----- 45
Broadford Singing Classes, - - - 111
Cadboll Stone, The, - - - - 135
Ceilidh Semi-Jubilee, - - - - 125
Celtic Temperament, Principal Mac-
Alister, ------ 37
Colonel H. Burnley Campbell, - - 15
Coming Argyllshire Gathering, - - 91
Corrections, - - - - - 66, 180
Etiquette of the Gael, - - - 147, 187
Ex-Provost MacFarlan, - - - 126
Executive Council, 1920-21, - - - 21
„ „ Meetings, 51, 107, 141, 166
Fernaig MSS., From the, - - 75, 152
Gaelic in London, - - - - -121
„ Parting Songs, - - - - 105
,, Poetry of Aird, - - - - 61
„ Society of Perth, - - - 35
„ The Joy of, - - - - - 114
„ The Position of, - - - - 107
Glasgow Mod Fund,
95, 110, 127, 143, 159, 175, 191
Highland Character (Sir John L. Mac-
Lend), ------ 90
Highland Gathering at Thurso, - - 95
,, Home Industries, - - - 138
„ Reconstruction, - - - 57
„ Wealth in 13th Century, 79, 88
Kilt, The, ------ 139
Land Settlement, 59
Leaving Certificate Examination, - 122, 136
Letter to the Editor, - - - - 15
Lia Fail, The, ----- 138
Lochbroom Branch, - - - - 120
Mon in Oban—
Twenty-fourth Mod, - - - - 3
Children’s Day, 3
Official Opening, - - - - 4
President’s Address, - - - - 4
Choral Contests, ----- 8
Grand Concert, - - - - 8
Prize List, 9
Music a la Mod, - - - - - 13
A Judge’s Impression, - - - 14
Memorial, Miss Kate Fraser, - - 131
Mod Competition Song, - - - - 154
Notes and Comments, - - - 111, 126
Oban Mod Fund, ----- 47
Propaganda Tour, - - - 91, 140
Racial Distinctions in Scotland, - - 75
Reviews, - 15, 31, 46, 63, 127, 143, 153
Scottish Gael’s Bequests, - - - 78
Scotland’s Physical Disabilities, - - 143
Secretary’s Page,
29, 40, 60, 74, 92, 108, 159, 171, 186
Some interesting associations of a
pioneer Celtic Society, - 156, 173, 184
Songs of the Hebrides’, - - - - 46
Vacation Gaelic Classes, - - - 14