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An Lunaadal, 1932.
Piping—1, Donald MacLeod, winner of Aird-a-
Bhaigh Cup; 2, James MacLeod; 3, lan Mac-
Lennan; 4, Angus MacDonald.
Solo Singing—Female Voices (Own Choice)—1,
Catherine MacLeod and Annie MacLeod (equal).
Solo Singing—Male Voices (Own Choice)—1,
Angus MacLeod; 2, Donald MacLeod.
Duet Singing—1, Catherine I. MacLean and Nancy
MacKenzie, Nicolson Institute; 2, Annie MacLeod
and Mary A. MacDonald, Laxdale; 3, Margaret
MacGregor and Dolina R. Morrison, Nicolson
Institute; 4, Jane Mitchell and Maggie Smith,
Nicolson Institute.
Quartette Singing—Nicolson Institute, Class IV.
Folk Song—Catherine I. MacLean.
MacKenzie Shield for Part Singing—Laxdale
Junior Choir.
Cup for Unison Singing—Knock Junior Choir.
Aird-a-Bhaigh Cup for Piping—Donald MacLeod.
MacAulay Trophy for Excellence in Literary Com¬
petitions—Maggie MacDonald, Nicolson Institute.
Special Prize, presented by the Adjudicators to
the youngest competitor, who was also the com¬
petitor coming the longest distance to the Mod—
Mary E. MacLeod, Skigersta.
The tenth Perthshire Provincial Mod was
held at Pitlochry, on 17th June. The
interest in this Mod is well maintained, and
the number of entries compared favourably
with previous years. Lord James Stewart
Murray presided over the closing concert,
and Lady Helen Tod presented the
prizes. The Mod Prize Play, “Am Fear a
Chaill a Ghaidhlig,’’ was excellently repro¬
duced by members of the Aberfeldy Gaelic
Continuation Class.
The results were: —
Mr. Hector M. MacDougall, Glasgow, was
adjudicator in the oral delivery sections.
Prose Reading (confined to learners)—A—1, John
Gow, Dalnamein Lodge, Glengarry. B—1, Barbara
MacPhail, Killin; 2, Janet Seaton, Drumcroy,
Glenerichty ; 3, MacDonald, Drumcroy, Glenerichty.
Reading (open to native speakers under 16)—1,
Cathie Shaw, Killin; 2, Catherine M. Robertson,
Reciting from Memory (under 16)—A—1, Chrissie
Maclnnes, Finnart, Rannoch; 2, Cora Stewart,
Dalnacardoch, Glengarry; 3, ’Willie Gow, Dalna¬
mein Lodge, Glengarry. B—1, Catherine M.
Robertson; 2, Cathie Shaw; 3, Marion Cameron,
Narrative (open to all under 18 years)—1,
Catherine M. Robertson; 2, Hamish Robertson,
Gaelic Conversation (open to all under 10 years)—
1, Jemima Robertson, Fmcastle; 2, Margaret Mac-
Master, Kinloch Rannoch. Over 10 and under 18
years—1, Catherine M. Robertson; 2, Hamish
Robertson; 3, Cathie Shaw.
Repetition .(open to all under 16)—A—1, Murray
MacBeath, Aberfeldy ; 2, John Gow; 3, Marian
Cameron, Dali, Rannoch. B—1, Cathie Shaw; 2,
Jean Blair, Blair Atholl; 3, Eliza MacPherson,
Camusericht, Rannoch.
Reading at Sight—1, Miss M. Morrison, Aber¬
feldy; 2, Mrs. J. MacDougall, Aberfeldy; 3, Hugh
MacPhee, Rannoch.
Reading (confined to native speakers)—1, Miss M.
Morrison; 2, Mrs. J. MacDougall, Aberfeldy; 3,
John Mac Arthur.
Recitation—1, Hugh MacPhee, Rannoch; 2, Miss
M. Morrison; 3, Mrs. J. MacDougall.
Adjudicators—Gaelic, Mr. John R. Bannerman,
Meikle Rahane; music, Mr. Kenneth MacRae,
The letter “A” denotes under 10, and “B” over
10 and under 16.
Girls—A—1, Isla MacLauchlan, Struan School,
Calvine • 2, Morag MacDonald, Auchleeks,
Glenerichty; 3, Sheila Stewart, Aberfeldy. B—1,
May Smollet, Aberfeldy; 2, Catherine MacPherson,
Aberfeldy; 3, Chrissie MacNee, Killin.
Boys—A—1, John Gow, Dalnamein Lodge, Glen¬
garry; 2, Roderick MacPherson, Kinloch Rannoch;
3, Stewart, Aberfeldy. B—1, Donald Seaton, Drum¬
croy, Glenerichty; 2, Iain M. R. Stewart, Aberfeldy;
3, Hamish MacRae, Kenmore.
Girls or Boys—1, Alasdair Morrison, Killin; 2,
Chrissie MacNee; 3, Hamish MacRae.
Duets—1, Betty Balmer and Isla MacLauchlan,
Struan; 2, Elspeth Henderson and Catherine Mac¬
Pherson, Aberfeldy; 3, Helen Gordon and Joey
Stewart, Dalguise.
Girls or Boys (over 16 but not over 18 years)—1,
Flora Maclnnes, Kinloch Rannoch; 2, Isabel Robert¬
son, Aberfeldy; 3, Agnes MacKinnon, Killin.
Duets (over 16 but not over 18 years)—1, Amy
Campbell and Isabel Robertson, Aberfeldy.
Junior Choral in two-part harmony—Pitlochry
Junior Gaelic Choir.
Adjudicators—Gaelic, the Rev. Hector Cameron,
Moy; music, Mr. Hugh Hunter, Mus. Bac.,
Female Voices—-1, Miss Menzies, Aberfeldy; 2,
Miss Margaret MacEwan, Fearnan; 3, Miss Nettie
Seaton, Pitlochry.
Male Voices—1, James Hamilton, Aberfeldy; 2,
Eric Fergusson, Pitlochry; 3, Peter Brydone,
Male or Female Voices—1, Miss Menzies; 2, John
Mac Arthur, Ballinluig; 3, Margaret MacEwan.
Solos (open to former first prize winners)—1, John
MacPherson, Kinloch Rannoch; 2, Mrs. A. Car¬
michael, Fortingall; 3, John MacArthur.
Duets—-1, Misses A. MacKay and Mary Stewart,
Dull; 2, Misses J. Dempster and C. Stewart,
Kinloch Rannoch.
Adjudicators—Gaelic, the Rev. Hector Cameron
and Mr. John R. Bannerman; music, Messrs. Hugh
Hunter and Kenneth MacRae, Edinburgh.
Junior Unison Singing—1, Pitlochry Junior Gaelic
Choir; 2, Aberfeldy Junior Gaelic Choir; 3, Dalguise
Junior Gaelic Choir,