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Am Faoilteach, 1848.
It is not to be taken for granted that members of the
University Societies with which we are concerned become
members of our Association as a matter of course! I can
write for my own contemporaries at Edinburgh University,
and record that two of us are active members of An Comunn
Gaidhealach to-day. I cannot be certain that more than 2
per cent, of the force which centred round our University
Celtic Society are now in our Comunn. And I have frequently
regretted the absence of certain among them from our Council
halls. For the other Universities I cannot write, but, even if
it is possible that they all surpass this record five times over,
it may well be that the majority of our University force never
arrives to reinforce us. I am firmly of the opinion that any
method to direct them towards us is worthy of some considera¬
tion. An annual letter, for instance, to each such Society,
inviting their members to join An Comunn, would not fail to
secure a more substantial recruitment. How very valuable
our “propaganda” might become at once if their members
(under our Junior Membership rule) came into possession of our
monthly magazine ! What an opportunity for us !
Much as I appreciate the genius of my fellow-Gaels, I have
not yet found among them an inordinate readiness to widen
their sometimes closed and attenuated ranks, and I am
thoroughly persuaded that a greater readiness to seek the
co-operation of the whole body of the class under review is the
way of promise. Quite obviously, something bigger than
anything we have yet contemplated is necessary, if we are to
do for Gaelic in Scotland greater service than to give it finally
a good “keening.” For any stubborn stand, and for any
advance, we need the full strength and equipment of all our
trained minds. It behoves us not only to welcome this type
of recruit, but to search for it. Let us persuade them to join
us. We have opportunity and means.
Time and again in my associations with the so-called
professional class I have been surprised to find how many
ministers, doctors, schoolmasters, and others, are not in the
habit of reading An Gaidfiml, a token that they are not members
of An Comunn. I have persuaded one or two to do better !
Our strength and our capacity, our fitness to command
success, depends now as never before on our weight of members
and on the skill and talent of our full force ; and I consider it
worthy of some care to endeavour, very directly and systema¬
tically, to recruit all the force that the Universities have to
offer annually to us.—Yours heartily,
Malcolm MacLean.
To enable An Comunn to meet its current obligations,
and place it in a position to launch a propaganda campaign
now that the war is over, and thus regain the ground lost
during the years of its enforced inactivity, donations,
large or small, will be gladly received by the Treasurer,
Mr. James T. Graham, C.A., 5 St. Vincent Place,
Glasgow, 0.1. Remittances should be made payable to
“An Comunn Gaidhealach.”
Previously acknowledged ..
Elgin Branch
Inveraray Branch ..
J. R. Mitchell, Esq., Glasgow
£127 2 9
£117 8 9
4 4 —
— 10 —
The music for the Junior Choral Competitions is now
published and may be had from the Secretary, An Comunn
Gbaidhealah, 131 West Regent Street, Glasgow, C.2.
Natural History in the Highlands and
Islands, by F. Fraser Darling ... 16/-
The Peat Fire Flame, by Alasdair Alpin
MacGregor 15/-.
Scottish Gaelic Studies, Vol. VI., Part I. 9/-
The Heart is Highland (A Book of
Poems), by Malcolm K. MacMillan 3/6
Celtic Art Society Postcards:
“ Maclan Series ” (Reproductions of
Maclan’s Famous Prints), 6
Numbers—MacLeod, MacDonald of
Glencoe, Macintosh, Stewart,
Drummond, and Cameron ... 7d each
“ Heraldic Series,” 4 Numbers—Suai-
cheantas na h-Albann, Bratach
Righ na h-Albann, Bratach na
h-Albann, Alba Tir nan Gaidh-
eal 6d each
Do Leughadairean a’ Ghaidheil—
Postage is additional to above Prices.
Cash with Order or C.O.D.
Please send for our Book Catalogue
Price Pottage
Cnoc an Fhradlmirc. Poem* by Angus Robertson 5/- 5d
Easy Gaelic Syntax. Gaelic Sentences - - 2/- 3d
Grain nam Beann. 26 Gaelic Songs with music - 5/- 5d
Cook's Sermons in Scots Gaelic - - - - 6/- 8d
Oiteagan a Xir nan Og. Songs by Roderick
MacKey, The Gist Bard - - - - 4/6 6d
Smeorach nan Cnoc 's nan Gleann. Malcolm
Gillies and others 5/. ed
Nicolson’s Basic Gaelic Grammar - - - 3/6 4d
MacLaren’s Gaelic Seif Taught, 2/6 net. Key - 1/6 3d
MacLaren’s Gaelic Self Taught, in cloth, with Key 6/- 4d
Grain a’ Mhoid xvi and xvii: Solo Test Songs - 1/- 2d
Dance Tunes: Grain is Puirt a Beul:Soifa,l/-, Staff, 1/6 2d
Oran Da-Ghuthach : Gaelic Duet Songs : Solfa - 1/- 2d
Duanagan agus Sgeulachdan Beaga. MacLennan 2/6 4d
Cnoc Chusbaig. Lewis Songs by Wm. MacKenzie 3/- 3d
Baird Chili-Chomainn. Songs by D. & C. MaoNiven 4/6 4d
Testament. New parallel Gaelic <fe English edition 4/- 6d
In gilt edges - - - *'
Is Ann. The Gaelic Verb "tobe ” explained
MacKellar’s Gaelic and English Phrase Book
MacAlpine’s Pronouncing Gaelic-English Dictkmarj
MacAlpine’s Gaelic-English, English-Gaelic Dict’n’j
Nicolson : History of Skye, 12 Illustrations
MacKenzie : Skye Traditions and Memories
MacKenzie : Old Skye Tales, Illustrated
Nicolson’s Riddles and Enigmas in Gaelic and
“ Six Little Bannocks.” Gaelic and English
Maclnnes : Six Songs of Skye with music -
Ishebal na h-Airigh, Gaelic and English Songs
Buchanan’s Spiritual Songs - - -
Clarsach an Doire : Songs by Neil Macleod -
Ant-OghaMor. Gaelic Novelby Angus Robertson 5/- 7d
Ceolradh Cridhe. 9 Original Songs with music.
Gaelic and English 4/- 4d
All An Comunn’t publications at advertised are in Hock.
268 Argyle Street, GLASGOW, C.2
Published by An Comunn Gaidhbalach
i 'll West Regent Street, Glasgow. Printed by A. Lbarmonth & Son, 9 King Street, Stirling.