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An Lunasdal, 1947.
ciation of his services to An Comunn, and they would also
convey to his widow and daughter heartfelt sympathy in their
great sorrow.
The President cordially welcomed Dr. J. A. MacLean,
Director of Education for Inverness-shire, and Mr. Donald
Grant, who were attending the Council for the first time.
Divinity Students and Gaelic.
Minute of the Education Committee was approved on the
motion of Mr. Farquhar MacRae, Convener. Miss C. B-
Cameron again raised the question of Gaelic in the Church of
Scotland’s Modified Course and Special Ex-servicemen’s
Course for students intending the Ministry. After considerable
discussion it was agreed to make further enquiries and also to
enquire about similar courses in the other Churches which have
Gaelic-speaking Divinity Students. Mr. Lachlan MacKinnon
pointed out that Gaelic is not included as a subject in the Civil
Service Examinations and it was remitted to the Committee
to take up this matter with the authorities.
It was noted with satisfaction that, as a result of representa¬
tions made by the Committee, arrangements have been made
to teach Gaelic in two of the Glasgow secondary schools, 52
children having enrolled at Bellahouston Academy and 36 at
Woodside Secondary School. Mr. Alex. Nicolson, Lecturer
at Jordanhill Training College, is to conduct these classes.
The Magazine.
In moving the adoption of the minute of the Publication
Committee, the Convener, Rev. T. M. Murchison, stated that
the Committee were much concerned with the deficit incurred
on the Magazine but such loss was inevitable so long as An
Comunn continued to sell An Gaidheal at less than half its
cost-price. Since there appeared to be strong opposition both
to ceasing the free issue of the Magazine to members and to the
raising of the membership subscription, the Committee recom¬
mended that the price of An Gaidheal be increased to 6d. per
copy and that the copies supplied to members be charged for
at the rate of 3d. per copy. After some discussion, and in view
of Mr. D. Thomson’s intention to give notice of motion to raise
the membership subscription, the Committee’s recommend¬
ation was withdrawn and the remainder of the minute was
Minute of the Propaganda Committee was read and, on the
motion of Mr. Hector MacDougall, Convener, was adopted.
At this stage a memorandum by the Rev. Malcolm MacLean,
which had been circulated to members, was discussed at some
length. This document dealt with the position of Gaelic and
made suggestions for more effective propaganda. Mr. D.
Thomson took strong exception to some of the views expressed
in the memorandum and Mr. MacLean gave a fuller explanation
of some points. It was then moved, seconded, and agreed to
pass to the next business.
Minute of the Art and Industry Committee was adopted on
the motion of Mrs. Edgar. It set forth the arrangements for
competitions for Celtic Design Classes in the 1948 Mod Syllabus.
Minute of the Mod and Music Committee was approved on
the motion of Mr. J. M. Bannerman, Convener. This minute
laid down an age-limit for Juniors as follows :—Juniors are
those under 16 years. Seniors are those over 16 years, excepting
competitors in Choral Competitions where the age-limit for
Juniors is to be 17 ; age to be reckoned as at the first day of
the Mod.
Mr. John Macdonald, Convener of the Perth National Mod
Local Committee, gave information about Mod arrangements.
Financially the position is satisfactory, he said, but the provision
of accommodation is proving most difficult. He hoped however
that they would be able to accommodate all the members of
Minute of Clann an Fhraoich Committee was adopted on
the motion of Mr. Hector MacDougall, Convener. The arrange¬
ments for the Comunri na h-Oigridh Camp which was to open
at Inverailort on 10th July were described; it was expected
that a satisfactory number would attend. It was noted with
satisfaction that there was an increase in the numbers taking
part in the examinations for Lan-Ghaidheal and Sar-Ghaidheal
New Finance Convener.
Minutes of two meetings of the Finance Committee were
read. On the motion of Mr. J. M. Bannerman, seconded by
Mrs. Dunlop, Mr. Robert Bain was appointed Convener of the
Committee in succession to the late Mr. J. A. Nicolson.
The Treasurer submitted the Accounts for the financial
year which ended on 31st May, 1947. These showed that there
was a very satisfactory surplus of over £1,200 for the Aberdeen
Mod. However, in spite of this surplus, the increased expendi¬
ture forcast in last year’s report resulted in a deficit for the
year of almost £200. The Central (War Comforts) Committee
had raised the sum of £2,771 2s 6d for the War Memorial and
Thanksgiving Fund, and this sum would be invested in the
names of the Trustees of An Comunn and held for the purpose
for which it was raised. On the motion of Mr. Farquhar
MacRae the Minutes and Accounts were adopted.
Annual reports of the Standing Committees were submitted,
amended, and approved. It was agreed to include in the
printed reports a list of office-bearers and members of the
Standing Committees, and also a statistical note giving the
total number of members (honorary, life, ordinary, and
representative), number of Branches and of Affiliated Societies,
number of Feachdan in Comunn na h-Oigridh and number of
children at present members of that body.
Nominations were received for the offices of President,
Vice-President, and ten places on the Executive Council.
Minute of the Advisory Committee was adopted on the
motion of the President.
Minute of the final meeting of the Central (War Comforts)
Committee was read, and tribute was paid to the leadership
of the Convener, Mrs. J. M. Bannerman, and to the Hon.
Secretary, Mr. Shaw, and Hon. Treasurer, Mr. Graham. There
was also read a minute of the War Memorial and Thanksgiving
Fund Committee, which outlined future activities and recom¬
mended that a whole-time organiser be appointed, preferably
with office facilities. Since the National Mod is to be held
in Glasgow in 1948, there is an undertaking that (apart from
four functions previously arranged) no money-raising
activities will be organised in the Glasgow area until after the
Mod except by the Local Mod Committee; it is recommended,
however, that the time allowed for raising the Memorial and
Thanksgiving Fund be extended to 31st December, 1950. On
the motion of Mrs. J. M. Bannerman, Convener, these minutes
were approved.
Minute of the Re-organisation Sub-Committee was read.
The Secretary, as instructed, had circularised the 77 Branches
about the re-organisation proposals (as set forth in An
Gdidheal, February, 1947, pp.63f.), but only six had replied.
In the light of the replies received and on further consideration
the Committee recommended the institution of a Junior
Membership and the creation of a Standing Committee for
youth work, and members of the Committee were to submit
notices of motion giving effect to these proposals. The Com¬
mittee were not at this stage prepared to make any recom¬
mendations about membership subscriptions, the magazine,
or regional organisation. On the motion of the President the
minute was adopted.
Notices of motion to amend the Constitution and Bye-laws
were tabled as follows (proposed changes and additions are
indicated by italics):—
By the Rev. T. M. Murchison :—
(1) That Rule 3 of the Constitution be amended to read:
“The Association shall consist of Honorary, Life,
Ordinary, Junior, and Representative Members.”
(2) That after Rule 5 of the Constitution a new Article
be inserted, namely : “ Junior membership shall be
open to persons, not older than twenty-one years and not
younger than fourteen years, who are interested in the
objects of the Association.”
(3) That Rule 14 of the Constitution be amended to read :
“The Subscription of Ordinary Members shall be five
shillings per annum and of Junior Members shall be one
shilling per annum, and shall be payable in advance on
the 1st day of June in each year. The name of any
Ordinary or Junior Member who is twelve months in