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made appropriate reference to the splendid work performed by
the Convener, the Rev. John M. MacLeod, and Miss MacNiven,
manageress. Mr. MacLeod had arranged for the buying of
the furnishings and the equipping of the Club with all that was
required to make it comfortable. He left nothing undone that
was likely to make the Club a resting place for those who had
endured so much on our behalf. Miss MacNiven had proved
herself a capable and sympathetic matron, and her manage¬
ment of the Club was all that could be desired. As a token of
appreciation and recognition of their services Mr. Graham, on
behalf of the Committee, presented Mr. MacLeod with a Radio
Set and Miss MacNiven with a wallet of notes. Both made
suitable acknowledgment of the gifts and recalled happy
memories of the Club.
Tea was served by the lady members who were thanked by
Mr. Neil Shaw.
Mrs. Lauder took charge of the Musical programme which
followed, and which was sustained by members of the Greenock
Gaelic Choir.
Mrs. M. Barron, Glasgow, was also present representing the
Central (War Comforts) Committee.
A meeting of the Local Committee was held in the
Imperial Hotel, Aberdeen, on Friday, 31st May. Mr. Dugald
MacDonald, Convener, presided and the Mod and Music
Committee was represented by Mr. John M. Bannerman,
Convener, and Mr. Neil Shaw, General Secretary.
Mr. James MacLeod, Local Secretary, submitted reports
of the work of the Sub-Committees and these showed that the
members had put in a very strenuous time throughout the
winter, and that preparations for the Victory Mod had been
well and successfully organised. The financial statement was
also most satisfactory.
Arrangements for the Mod week will be similar to those
existing in previous years. Three Concerts will be held, viz.,
Junior Concert on Tuesday, 24th September; Rural Choir
Concert on Thursday, 26th September; and the Grand
Closing Concert on Friday, 27th September. Seats will be
reserved for members of An Comunn up to 31st August. Full
particulars will be given in the August number of the magazine,
but any member wishing to make early reservation may do so
by writing to the Secretary, 131 West Regent Street, Glasgow.
Members who intend being present at the Civic Reception on
the evening of 25th September, should kindly notify the
Secretary before end of August.
The second Junior Mod promoted by the Lochgilphead
Branch of An Comunn was held in the Drill Hall, Lochgilphead,
on Tuesday, 11th June.
There was a total entry of 197 and an encouraging feature
was the number of children (12) who entered for the recitation.
This was won by John MacVicar, Caimbaan, a native Gaelic
speaker of 6 or 7 years of age, and his announcement of the
title of the piece, “ An Coileach,” and his style of delivery was
one of the highlights of the evening programme.
Junior Choirs were forward from Caimbaan, Tayvallich
and Lochgilphead, and all gave splendid renderings of the test
pieces. Much credit is due the instructors, Mrs. Brown, Miss
Gillies, and Mrs. Crawford, for the time and care devoted to
the training of the children.
During the afternoon session, the Hall was completely
filled, and great interest was taken in the proceedings.
At the evening Concert prize-winners were assisted by Mrs.
Petrine Stewart, Alex. Brown, and Alasdair Matheson. Prizes
were presented by Mrs. Ross, Tigh na Linne, and a number of
these were valuable Gaelic books donated by Dr. Ross.
The Rev. Donald Stewart, M.A., Achnamara, presided,
and votes of thanks were proposed by Mrs. Campbell and Miss
Campbell of Invemeill, M.B.E.
An t-Iuchar, 1946.
Cordial thanks are due Mrs. Campbell, President of the local
Branch, and her hard-working Committee for the smooth
working of the arrangements and for the general success of the
Mod. That their services were appreciated was shown by the
exceptionally large attendance at the closing concert.
The adjudicators were :—Oral—Rev. D. Stewart, M.A.,
and Neil Shaw. Gaelic Vocal—Rev. Alex. MacDonald,
Ardchattan. Gaelic Music—Malcolm G. MacCallum, L.R.A.M.,
Campbeltown. Piping and Dancing—Pipe Major Robert
Reid, Glasgow.
The following is the list of first prize-winners—
Oral—Reciting “ An Coileach,” John MacVicar, Cairnbaan.
Reading with expression—Jean MacVicar, Lochgilphead.
Solo Singing, Boys and Girls (under 12)—Malcolm Mac-
Lachlan, Tayvallich.
Solo Singing, Girls (12-16) — Jean Montgomery,
Lochgilphead. Solo Singing, Boys (12-16)—John Ross,
Tayvallich. Solo Singing, Girls (own choice)—Catriona Leitch,
Lochgilphead. Solo Singing, Boys (own choice)—Duncan
MacDonald, Tayvallich. Duet Singing—Mairi and Catriona
Leitch, Lochgilphead. Unison Singing—Lochgilphead Junior
Choir. Choral Singing—Lochgilphead Junior Choir.
Special Competition—Singing of 23rd Psalm to tune
‘ Crimond ’ (prizes presented by Miss Carmichael, Invershuna)
Duncan MacDonald, Tayvallich.
Pianoforte Playing—Jean Lamont, Ardrishaig.
Chanter Playing—Charles Ferguson, Kilmartin.
It is reported that, if there is a sufficient response, classes
in Gaelic for post-primary pupils will be started in two of the
Glasgow Schools—Bellahouston Academy for the south side
of the city, and Woodside Secondary School for the north side
—after the summer holidays. This will be a beginning towards
a full course for the Leaving Certificate.' At present Gaelic is
only taught in Glasgow at evening continuation classes.
This follows upon an enquiry into the number of Gaelic-
speaking children in Glasgow Schools which was sponsored
by the Federation of Highland Associations of Glasgow and
An Comunn, for the conducting of which thanks are due to
the Director of Education for the City of Glasgow, Dr.
(Eadar-theangaichte o ’n Bheurla.)
Mu ’n cheud eas-umhlachd dhaonda agus meas
Na craoibh ud thoirmisgte de ’n tug am bias
Basail am bas do ’n t-saoghal’s ar n-uile lochd,
Seinn Thusa, Cheolraidh NAamhaidh, Thusa dheachd
Air creachainn dhiomhair Oreb no Shinai
An ciobair ud a thug do d’ roghainn sluaigh
Priomh oilcan mar a dh ’eirich talamh’s neamh
A mach a neoini; no ma’s e Sion Bheinn
As docha Leat, no Siloa, an t-allt
Tha faisg air teampull Dhe, 4 sin a mach
Gaiream Do chuideachadh do m’ ranntachd dhain
Nach iarr air iteig mheadhonaich dhol suas
Os cionn na beinn Adhonaidhich, ’s i an toir
Air nach do dh’ fheuchadh ann an rosg no rann ;
’S gu h-araidh Thusa, Spioraid, leis am miann,
Os cionn gach teampuill, cridhe ionraic glan,
Thoir teagasg dhomh oir’s aithne dhuit; o ’n tiis
Bha Thusa lathair, ’s sgiath na cumhachd sint’
’Nad shuidh mar chalaman air an aigeann mhoir
A rinn Thu torrach. Na tha annam dorch’
Dean soilleir ; na tha iseal tog’s cbm suas
A chum gu ceann na h-argumaide so,
Ge ard, gun cuir mi freasdal Dhe an ceill
’S gum fireanaich mi dhoigh ri clann nan daoin.’