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An Gearran, 1946.
rlribh, le Fear-Stiuiridh comasach coltach ri Mgr. MacQilleath-
ain, air ceann foghluim na cloinne, aig an dm shonraichte so.
On December 19th, the Organiser presided at the first
Ceilidh of the Nairn Branch, since it was re-constituted recently
There was a large attendance and a fine programme of songs,
stories, instrumental music and Highland Dancing was enjoyed
by all present. This Branch is to hold monthly meetings
throughout the Sessftm and there is a suggestion that a Junior
Gaelic Choir might be formed under the auspices of the Branch.
On Saturday, 22nd December, the Organiser had the
pleasure of a call from Mr. James MacLeod, M.A., Secretary
to the Aberdeen National Victory Mod. He was on his way
to his native Coigeach, for the Christmas vacation. Arrange¬
ments seem to be progressing favourably in Aberdeen, and the
Committee is working wholeheartedly for the success of the
Victory Mod.
Diming the last days of the old year, the Organiser visited
Badenoch in the interests of An Comunn and Savings.
On January 3rd, he attended a meeting of the Newtonmore
Branch, when it was decided to form a Senior Gaelic Choir
to be conducted as a Continuation Class under the auspices
of the Inverness County Education Committee. Application
has been made for a teacher.
The first Ceilidh of the newly re-constituted Dingwall
Branch was held in the Lesser Town Hall recently, with Mr.
Iain MacLeod, Torgorm, as Fear-an-Tighe. The programme
submitted was most varied and the audience highly apprecia¬
tive. Mr. A. B. MacKenzie, President of the Tain Branch,
was present, and exhorted all Gaels in the district to support
the Dingwall Branch.
Pioneer Work for the Blind.—Mr John R. MacKenzie,
General Superintendent of the Institute for the Blind at
Inverness, is to be congratulated on his laudable efforts for the
members of the Institute whose native language is Gaelic.
About four years ago, Mr. Mackenzie started Gaelic Classes.
They proved successful. His blind pupils who had previously
little opportunity of learning, and in consequence, could not
spell the simplest Gaelic words, settled down to learning with
enthusiasm. It was interesting work, but Mr. MacKenzie
found himself handicapped by having no books in Gaelic for
his pupils to read. But he overcame this difficulty, ably
assisted by Miss Cameron, the Blind Institute Librarian : he
set to work on the novel idea of preparing Braille books in
Gaelic. One or two books and a number of articles were
transcribed and the blind pupils were able to read their native
tongue for the first time. Mr. Mackenzie and Miss Cameron
are to be heartily congratulated on their enterprise.
Captain Wm. MacKay, Mr.- John N. MacLeod and the
Organiser represented An Comunn at the funeral of the late
Rev. Angus Boyd, M.A., Glenurquhart, on Monday, 7th
January. Mr. Boyd was a member of An Comunn and of the
Northern Propaganda Sub-Committee, and always proved
himself a stalwart in the Gaelic Cause. He had been Parish
Minister at Glenurquhart for nearly a quarter of a century,
and took an active part in everything pertaining to the good
of the people. He will be sadly missed in the Glen and through¬
out the Highlands and Islands.
I paid my annual visit to the Motherwell and Wishaw
Highland Association, on 15th December, and was accompanied
by Miss Ina MacLellan and Mr. Alasdair Matheson as vocalists.
I had the honour of presiding over a very large gathering of
members in Fraser’s Tea Rooms, supported by Mr. Lachlan
MacLachlan, President, and Ex-Provost Morris who represents
the Association on the Executive Council. An excellent
programme was submitted, and tea was served. The monthly
meetings of this Association are splendidly supported locally,
and members are well catered for by way of appropriate Gaelic
and Scottish songs and music.
The Govan and Glasgow (Central) Branches have resumed
their monthly Concerts, and the first of these was held in the
Glasgow High School Hall, on 19th January, where I had the
honour of presiding. The joint Committee were fortunate in
securing a let of this excellent Hall, the entrance to which is
from Holland Street. The next Concert will be held on ,
Saturday, 23rd February, at 7.30 p.m. Admission is 2/-. j !
The action of the officials of the Oban Branch in making
the final allotment of War Comforts to their members on
service, is to be commended. In addition to presenting their j
54 members, with the usual Christmas-time gifts, they enrolled !|
them as Representative Branch Members of An Comunn, thus i
ensuring that each member will receive a copy oi An Oaidhecd jil
for a whole year at least.
The second Concert Tour of An Comunn Branches in the
Southern Area has just been completed, and in all respects, it
has been an outstanding success. The party consisted of the
General Secretary, Mr. Neil Shaw; Mrs. Petrine M. Stewart,
Mr. Angus Whyte, both of whom are Mod Gold Medallists,
and also life members of An Comunn, and once more I had the
honour of accompanying the party. It was intended that Miss
Ina MacLellan would also be one of the party, but, unfortunately,
a family bereavement prevented this happening.
Members will recall that on the first tour, the Concert
Party was greeted with excellent weather, but on this occasion
it was very stormy and wet, and when we arrived at Kin-
lochleven it was with difficulty that one battled against the
elements. We could be excused for thinking that the adverse
weather conditions might affect the attendance. Imagine
our surprise to find a packed hall, and a most enthusiastic
audience presided over by the genial Rev. Malcolm
MacCorquodale, a loyal supporter of An Comunn and president
of the local branch, who extended a cordial welcome to Mr.
Shaw and the Concert Party. Mr. Finlay MacDonald and his
Committee left no stone unturned in completing arrangements
locally and the result was a highly successful concert followed
by an equally successful dance to which local artistes gave
considerable aid.
The following morning the party proceeded to Fort William
and gave a concert in the Town Hall supported by local
artistes. Mr. Angus Whyte, president of the local Branch is
due sincere thanks for making arrangements locally. The
chair was occupied by Mr. Donald G. Duff, and Dr. Isaac
Maclver proposed a vote of thanks.
On our way to Lochaline we were joined by a party of four
New Zealand Nursing Sisters who were very disappointed at
having missed the concert in Fort William. It turned out that
they were on 14 days U.K. leave from their Army Station in
Italy, and had come to the Highlands to visit the land of their
forbears. The invitation was extended to them to accompany
our party to Lochaline and they were delighted to accept.
The names of these ladies will be of interest to members—
Jean Munro, who claimed Inverness connections, Alexandria
Glass, whose father was a Gaelic speaker, who emigrated from
Glasgow, Lorraine Morris, also of Scottish descent, and Vera
Ogle, who had heard so much about the beauty of the High¬
lands from Scottish friends in New Zealand. I need hardly
add that having seen part of the Highlands her opinion was
strongly confirmed. One of the incidents which I shall always
remember from this tour was Mr. Shaw, standing in the bow
of the “ Lochinvar ” and pointing out to those four colonials the
various landmarks and islands all around us; also the story
behind the Lady Rock, Duart Castle, and many others. Indeed
they were fortunate to have such a personality as Mr. Shaw
to act as ‘‘guide” during their visit, and I am sure when they
return to New Zealand, they will carry many happy memories
of their visit to the Highlands. Incidentally, before they
parted company with us, I had the pleasure of making them
members of An Comunn.
The. party was given a real Highland welcome in Lochaline
where Miss MacYicar had attended to every detail in making
the local arrangements. Rev. Hector MacSween, president of
the Branch was in the chair, and the concert was enjoyed by
all present, and especially by our friends from New Zealand