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Competition No. 2.—Reading a piece of prose
of not less than 200 and not more than 250 words
—1, Edna Fletcher; 2, Michael J. Buchanan; 3,
Archibald MacDonald; 4, Mary MacFadyen; 5,
Donald Cameron and J. MacDougall (equal).
Competition No. 3.—Reciting from memory a
piece of poetry, not to exceed 32 lines in length—
1, Edna Fletcher; 2, Christina MacCallum; 3,
Michael J. Mackinnon; 4, Janet Tyson; 5, Mary
Competition No. 4.—For excellence in Gaelic
—1, Christina MacCallum; 2, Janet Tyson; 3,
Donald Cameron; 4, Mary MacFadyen; 5,
Archd. MacDonald.
Competition No. 5.—Solo singing of a Gaelic
song by Gaelic speakers (confined to girls)—1,
Irene MacCowan; 2, C. Campbell; 3, Anna
Cattanach; 4, Peggie MacDonald. Confined to
boys—1, Duncan Livingstone. Confined to
learners of Gaelic—1, Nancy Pearson; 2, Agnes
Struthers; 3, Isa Munro ; 4, Margaret Galbraith ;
5, Helen Battisby; 6, Edna Kinloch; 7, Fanny
Gershon ; 8, Edith MacCulloch.
Competition No. 9.—Playing of a Highland
march, strathspey and reel on the pianoforte—
1, Isabella M'Innes; 2, Margaret MacCulloch;
3, Maimie Skinner; 4, Mary Wallace.
Competition No. 10.—Playing of marches on
the bagpipes—1, Alastair MacFarlane and Hugh
MacDougall (equal); 2, James Connel; 3, Angus
Competition No. 11.—Playing of Gaelic song
airs on the bagpipes—1, Alastair MacFarlane.
Teacher—Miss Johnstone.
Competition No. 3 (as above)—1, Kate Mac-
Innes; 2, Malcolm MacAulay; 3, Annie Mac¬
Donald and Marion Mackinnon (equal).
Competition No. 4 (as above) — 1, M. Mac¬
Aulay; 2, Catherine MacDonald and Mary
Mackinnon (equal); 3, Marion MacKinnon and
Maggie MacDonald (equal).
Competition No. 5 (as above) — 1, Martha
Smith; 2, Marion Mackinnon; 3, Bella Gal¬
braith ; 4 (specially awarded), Annie Mac¬
Competition No. 6 (as above)—1, M. Mac¬
Aulay; 2, George Smith.
Competition No. 7 (as above) — 1, Edith
Competition No. 8.—Duet singing of a Gaelic
song—1, Martha Smith and Katie Maclnnes; 2,
Bella Galbraith and Maggie Mackinnon and
George Smith and Hugh Smith (equal).
Teacher—Miss C. Campbell.
Competition No. 1.—Gaelic letter, not exceed¬
ing two pages of ordinary notepaper, on any sub¬
ject appertaining to the district in which the
competitors reside, preferably if descriptive of
the manner in which the district is affected by
the war—1, Angus Morison.
Competition No. 2 (as above)—1, Angus
Morison; 2, Mary MacDiarmid; 3, Maggie
MacKenzie and Maggie MacDiarmid (equal).
Competition No. 3 (as above)—1, A. Morison;
2. M. Mackenzie; 3, Maggie MacDiarmid and
Mary MacDiarmid (equal); 4, Catriona
Carmichael and Cathie Mackechnie (equal;.
Competition No. 4 (as above)—1, M.
Mackenzie; 2, A. Morison ; 3, Maggie M'Diarmid
and Maggie Mackay (equal); 4, Neil Morison
and Mary MacDiarmid (equal).
Competition No. 5 (as above)—1, Mina Robert¬
son; 2, Katie MacPherson; 3, Effie Mackinnon.
Teacher—Miss Stewart.
Competition No. 1 (as above)—1, Morag
Cameron; 2, Ina Chisholm; 3, Bessie Cameron.
Competition No. 2 (as above)—1, M. Cameron;
2, I. Chisholm; 3, B. Cameron and W.
Macnaughton (equal).
Competition No. 3 (as above) — 1, William
Macnaughton; 2, David Cameron; 3, B.
Competition No. 4 (as above)—1, B. Cameron;
2, D. Cameron; 3, M. Cameron.
Competition No. 5 (as above)—1, M. Cameron;
2, B. Cameron.
Teacher—Mr A. Macmillan.
Competition No. 1 (as above) — 1, Mary B.
Macmillan; 2, James Campbell.
Competition No. 2 (as above)—1, J. Campbell;
2, M. B. Macmillan.
Competition No. 3 (as above)—1, J. Campbell;
2, Jessie Noble.
Competition No. 4 (as above)—1, Sheila Mac¬
Intyre; 2, M. B. Macmillan; 3, J. Noble.
Competition No. 5 (as above)—1, M. B.
Macmillan; 2, Katie Campbell.
Competition No. 8 (as above) — 1, Helen T.
Macmillan and Katie Campbell; 2, Sheila
MacIntyre and Angusina Macmillan.
Teachers — Mr. A. MacCallum, headmaster,
Gaelic, and Miss Cameron, music.
Competition No. 3 (as above)—1, Katie Mac-
Taggart; 2, Katie MacDonald, Cathie E. Mac¬
lnnes, Finlay MacIntyre and Duncan MacColl
(equal); 3, Lucy Maclnnes.
Competition No. 4 (as above)—1, C. Maclnnes;
2, D. MacDonald, F. MacIntyre and Annie
MacKechnie (equal); 3, Duncan Kennedy and
Duncan MacColl (equal).
Competition No. 5 (as above)—1, Annie Mac¬
Callum; 2, Teenie Yance; 3, Ella Black; 4,
Katie MacTaggart.
Competition No. 6 (as above)—1, Annie Mac¬
Callum and Polly Maclnnes (equal); 2, Donald
Competition No 7 (as above)—1, Dolly Hender¬
son ; 2, Margaret MacCallum; 3, Maggie Pen¬
man; 4, Lizzie MacIntyre; 5, Flora MacIntyre.
Competition No. 8 (as above)—1, Annie Mac¬
Callum and Polly Maclnnes; 2, Ella MacCallum
and Ena MacColl.
Competition No. 9 (as above)—1, Ena
Teachers—Miss Rodgers (music) and Rev. J.
M. MacGregor (Gaelic).
Competition No. 2 (as above)—1, Katie Mac¬
Donald and Duncan MacCallum (equal); 2,
Hugh MacDougall; 3, Alexander MacNicoI.
Competition No. 5 (as above) —■ 1, Isabella
Maclnnes ; 2, Maggie MacNicoI.
Competition No. 6 (as above) — 1, Nicol Mac¬
Teacher—Mr. Roderick Maclean.
Competition No. 2 (as above)—1, Katie A.