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The excellent paper on the “ Gaelic Question
in. Scotland,” by the Rev. G. W. Mackay, M.A.,
Killin, has already appeared in the pages of An
DeA-G-reine. Other papers were read describ¬
ing the present position and prospects of the
Breton and Manx languages. Another address
— one of pathetic interest — on the “ Present
Position and Prospects of Celtic-Comish
Studies” was delivered by Mr. Henry Jenner.
He was obliged to say that the Cornish language
“ had no position except in the grave, and no
prospects of any joyful resurrection, but that its
ghost still haunts the old dwelling, and the
best that can be hoped for it is that Cornish
people may take some interest in the study of
their Celtic past.”
Mr. Llewelwyn Williams, K.C., M.P., in an
eloquent address, pointed out that there was
one common note struck in all the papers read ;
how in all countries the Celts had to light
against the ruthless policy of suppression of the
various Governments. “ Our languages have
to contend against all the forces of officialism,
commercialism, industrialism, and utilitarian¬
ism.” Take courage, he said, from the story
of gallant little Wales, and believe that the
language which was God’s great gift to the Celts
will still survive all its enemies and detractors.
One thing, and one thing alone, we have the
right to demand from Parliament, and that is
that Welsh should have equality of opportunity
with English. British Imperialism would be
as1 deadly and as poisonous a thing as Prussian-
ism were it not for the sweetening influence of
the Celts.
Professor Watson, of Edinburgh, in a letter
regretting that he was unable to be present at
the Conference, said that he does not believe
that there is any other country in the British
Empire whose native language is treated as
Gaelic is treated in Scotland, and yet no part of
Britain has deserved better of the British
people than the Highlands of Scotland.
Let us hope that the above extracts, culled
from the excellently-gotmp report of the
Birkenhead Conference, will cause Scotsmen,
and especially Highlanders, to think. “ Evil
is wrought by want of thought as well as want
of heart.” As for our utilitarian Educational
Authorities, the end they seem to have in view
is—death to Gaelic. Highlanders 1 are you
willing to bow the knee to Dagon ? Are you
content to become Celtic pariahs ?
TWEED S^-Guaranteed Genuine by An
Comunn Gaidhealach—sold by R. G. Lawrie,
60 Renfield Street, Glasgow. Suits and
Costumes made.
[Chaidh na rainn a leanas a chur r’a cheile le
Eoghain MacLachainn, nach maireann, ann an
Sean Bhaile Abair-readhain air la Samlma,
1815. Bha e deanamh luaidh air euchdan nan
Gaidheal. Saoilidh mi gu bheil na rainn, ann
an tomhas, freagarrach do ’n am ghabhaidh anns
a bheil sinn beb.]
Bheuc Leoghunn Bhreatann le sgairt:—
“ As oirbh, a Chuileinean graidh !
Gheibh sibh thall ud sealg gu pailt,
Glacaibh is casgraibh bhur satin’'
Sin far an spoltadh truagh !
Lannan luatha ’bruanadh cbnamh,
Closaichean pronn, plod-fhuil ruadh
A’ dearg-dhath gach cluain de’n bhl&r.
Leagh a meall cruadhach gu leir,
Roimh mhabim theinntidh nan Treun mor,
Amhuil baideal de cheb ciar
A sgapas a’ ghrian mu nbin!
’Na lorg sud, tha meas is agh
Air Clann-Ghaidheal nan colg geur;
Bidh cliu gach linn air an gniomh,
Fhad’s a dh’ iathas Grian mu’n speur.
Thog Albainn a ceann le h-uaill;
Dh’ fhuasglagh a’ Ghaidhlig a snuim;
Tha coir gach saoirsainn gu feum
Aig Sliochd Ghaidheal nam beus grinn,
Thig Sonas, is Bliochd is maoin,
Fialachd is Tlus, Faoilt is Baigli;
Sgaoilidh ’nam miltibh bhur siol,
Mar rainich nam fiadh-ghleann fils.
Eiridh Gaisreadh Ghallan ur
A dhion Bhreatann mar mhur prais;
’S an Ifrinn loisgich nam pian
Taisgear Folachd fo chiad glas.
Bidh Eblas is creadamh fior
A’ stiuradh nan gniomh le beachd;
’S tionnsgnaidh an Aois Oir an sitli,
Mar a dh’ brduich Righ nam feart.
Thus’ a las an aidhbbeis chian
Le saoghalaibh’s le grianaibh iuil,
Didinn Ban-Iompair’ a’ Chuain,
Gu la luain, mar chloich do shul;
Coisrig i deas agus tuath,
Coisrig gach sluagh tha fo reachd;
Am bbilich nan deubhadh garg,
Tre6raich-sa gu sealbh a Feachd.
Debnaich d’ar Prionns’ birdheirc aigh,
Saoghal aoibhinn’s gach Md bhuaidh;
Debnaich sar ghliocas d’a chuirt,
Chum’s gu’n dearbh iad iuil do’d shluagh :
Naomhaich ar lagh, glbidh ar cbir,
Gun cham-foirneart ’ga buintinn,
’S aig Mbrachd Bhreatann biodh ban-
Fo d’ shaor-ghras bho linn gu linn!