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limes, Strathconan, Ross-shire ; 2nd Prize, £1
—Nellie Macdonald, Beulah Villa, Fort Augustus ;
3rd Prize, 10s.—Mr. Angus Nieolson, Kallin,
Grimsey, N. Uist.
X. —WEB OF CLOTH with prettiest colouring.
1st Prize, £1—Nellie Macdonald, Beulah Villa.
Fort Augustus ; 2nd Prize, 10s.—Mr. Gollan,
Slum Bay, Lochcarron.
Prize, £2—Miss Margaret Murray, Tressidy Hill,
XII. —TARTAN PLAID. 1st Prize, £2—Miss
Margaret Murray, Tressidy Hill, Lairg.
striped, colouring to count. 1st Prize, 10s.—
Mrs. Morrison, Lochcarron; 2nd Prize, 7s. 6d.
—Mrs. Ranald MacEachern, Liniguie, lochdar,
S. Uist.
XIV. —FLOOR RUG. Hand or loom made, col¬
ouring and designs to count. 1st Prize, £1—
Mrs. Alex. MacLean, Borve, Bernera, Loeh-
maddy ; 2nd Prize, 10s.—Widow Peter Mac¬
Leod, Balidabb, Eochar.
XV. —CARVING Native marble, Celtic design.
1st Prize, £1—Donald Cameron, Post, Broad-
ford, Skye; 2nd Prize, 10s.—Willie MacLean.
4. Lime Park, Broadford, Skye.
Peesident .
Malcolm MacLeod, 5 Church Road, Ibrox.
Vice-Peesidents .
Donald Macphie, F.E.I.S., Cumbernauld.
Rev. G. W. Mackay, M.A., Killin.
Dr. Kenneth Campbell, Argyll Mansions, Oban .
Executive Council.
Archd. Menzies, S.S.C., Edinburgh.
Rev. T. S. Macpherson, Yoker.
Kenneth Maclver, M.A., B.Se., Dunfermline.
Rev. D. Macfarlane, Kingussie.
Angus Robertson, Mount Florida.
Malcolm C. MacLeod, Dundee.
T. D. MacDonald, Glasgow.
Sheriff Campbell, Campbeltown.
Lt.-Col. Maclnnes, Dunoon.
Donald MacDonald, Munlochy.
William J. Watson, M.A., LL.D., Edinburgh.
William Mackay, Inverness.
Roderick MacLeod, Inverness.
J. P. Grant, Yr. of Rothiemurchus.
Miss Campbell of Inverneill.
Councillor MacFarlan, Dumbarton.
Donald Currie, LL.B., Glasgow.
Neil Orr, Edinburgh.
Mrs. W. J. Watson, Edinburgh.
A. B. Ferguson, Ibrox.
Miss Kate Fraser, Inverness.
Rev. M. N. Munro, M.A., Taynuilt.
Mrs. Burnley-Campbell of Ormida'.e.
Rev. Coll A. MacDonald, B.D., Logierait.
Alasdair C. MacLaren, Crianlarich.
Rev. Wm. Macphail, Kilbrandon.
Alex. Fraser, Dalmuir.
*Angus MacGillivray, M.D., Dundee.
Wm. Cameron, Poole we.
John S. Mackay, Stirling.
Education Committee.
Kenneth Maclver, M.A., 1 (Convener).
Donald Macphie, F.E.I.S.
H. F. Campbell.
Dr. W. J. Watson.
Miss Kate Fraser.
J . A. Mackay.
Donald MacLean.
Donald B. Watson.
The President (ex-officio).
Publication Committee
Rev. T. S. Macpherson (Convener).
Donald Currie, LL.B.
Rev. G. W. Mackay.
J. S . Mackay.
Dr. W. J. Watson.
Norman MacLeod.
Angus Robertson.
Angus Henderson.
The President (ex-officio).
The Editor (ex-officio).
Peopaganda Committee.
Mrs. Burnley-Campbell (Convener).
Rev. G. W. Mackay (Vice-Convener).
Wm. Mackay.
Mrs. W. J. Watson.
Rev. T. S. Macpherson .
Roderick MacLeod.
Alastair C. MaeLaren.
Kenneth Maclver.
The President (ex-officio).
Finance Committee.
Councillor MacFarlan (Convener).
J. S. Bannatyne.
Alex. Fraser.
A. B. Ferguson.
Andrew Stewart.
Archd. Menzies.
J. A. Mackay.
Wm. Armstrong.
The President (ex-officio).
Mod and Music Committee.
Rev. M. N. Munro (Convener).
Archd. Menzies (Vice-Convener).
Miss Kate Fraser.
Mrs. Christison.
Angus Robertson.
Rev. Coll A. MacDonald.
Alex. Fraser.
Malcolm C. MacLeod. \
The President (ex-officio).
Aet and Industey Committee.
Miss Campbell of Inverneill (Convener).
Mrs. Burnley-Campbell (Vice-Convener).
Mrs. W. J. Watson.
Andrew Stewart.
Dr. Angus MacGillivray.
Duncan Macfarlane.
Mrs. Reyburn.
H. F. Campbell.
The President (ex-officio).
Neil Shaw, Secretary, 108 Hope St., Glasgow.
Robeet Macfaelane, C.A., Treasurer,
108 Hope Street, Glasgow.