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An Lunasdal, 1931.
The Extraordinary Meeting of the
Executive Council of An Comunn was held
in the Waverley Hotel, Stirling, on 10th
July. The following members were present:
Mr. William D. Barclay, Glasgow; Miss
Campbell of Invemeill, M.B.E.; Ex-Bailie
Archibald Campbell, J.P., Glasgow; Mr.
Charles Campbell, M.B.E., Glasgow;
Sheriff J. MacMaster Campbell, C.B.E.,
Campbeltown; Mrs. Christison, Glasgow;
Airs. J. R. Colquhoun, Glasgow; Mrs. J. B.
Dunlop, Glasgow; Mr. Alexander Fraser,
Bishopton; Mr. Kenneth Fraser, Glasgow;
Mr. G. J. Innes, Glasgow; Col. Gilbert
Gunn, Inverness; Miss Lamont of Knock-
do w; Mr. John MacDonald, M.A., Glasgow;
Air. T. D. MacDonald, Glasgow; AD*. D. C.
MacKenzie, Glasgow; Mr. Hector MacLean,
Glasgow; Mr. Malcolm MacLeod, Glasgow;
Dr. R. R. MacNicol, Taynuilt; Mr. George
E. Marjoribanks, Upper Sonachan; Mrs.
Stewart (Fasnacloich); Mr. J. Stewart,
Dunblane; Mr. M. Sweet, Skelmorlie.
Attending—Mr. Robert Macfarlane, C.A.,
Treasurer; Mr. Neil Shaw, General
Secretary; and Mr. Hugh MacPhee,
Assistant Secretary.
In the absence of the President, Rev.
Neil Ross, D.Litt., who was attending the
Celtic Congress in the Isle of Man, Mr.
Alexander Fraser, Senior Vice-President,
The Chairman referred, to the loss which
An Comunn sustained by the passing of the
Rev. G. W. MacKay, D.D , Killin, and Mr.
Norman MacLeod, M.A., Glasgow. Dr.
MacKay had been a member of the
Executive Council for almost a quarter of
a century, and during that period he had
devoted himself whole-heartedly to the
cause of Gaelic. He was Convener of the
Propaganda Committee for fifteen years, and
President of the Association for three years.
He visited most parts of the Highlands, and
formed many new Branches, thus gaining
first-hand knowledge of the state of Gaelic
matters in the Gaidhealtachd.
The death of Mr. Norman MacLeod, in
the prime of life, was a distinct loss to the
movement. He had a ripe knowledge of
the language, and his experience of teaching
the subject was unique. He had great
influence with the students who passed
through his hands in the Training College,
and many of them continued to refer to him
for guidance on matters affecting the
teaching of the language long after they had
Veen appointed to schools in the Highlands.
An Cqmunn mourned the loss of Dr.
MacKay and Mr. Norman AlacLeod, and
placed on record its high appreciation of the
services they rendered to the cause of
Gaelic. To the bereaved the Executive
Council tenders its profound sympathy.
A minute of the Finance Committee was
read and approved on the motion of Air.
Malcolm MacLeod. The Treasurer’s
Annual Statement and Balance-Sheet were
gone over, and questions answered. On the
motion of Mr. Wm. D. Barclay, seconded
by Sheriff MacMaster Campbell, the
Financial Statement and Annual Reports
were unanimously adopted. The total income
for the year had been £1694, and the
expenditure £1833.
Two minutes of the Education Committee
were read. Mr. Malcolm MacLeod, in
moving the adoption of the Alinutes, asked
the Executive to allow the paragraph
referring to “Dialects on the Gramophone”
to be remitted back for further considera¬
tion. With this reservation, the Minutes
were adopted.
Two ALinutes of the Publication Com¬
mittee were read. Estimates had been
received for the printing and binding of
Bardachd Ghaidhlig, and that of Messrs.
Learmonth, Stirling, was recommended for
acceptance. Authority was asked and given
for the printing and binding of 3000 copies of
Elementary Course of Gaelic. On the
motion of Mr. Malcolm MacLeod, Convener,
the Minutes were adopted.
Two Minutes of the Propaganda Com¬
mittee were read. The Committee
recommended to the Mod and Alusic Com¬
mittee that music judges for the National
Mod should not be allowed to adjudicate at
Provincial Mods held prior to the National
Mod at which they are to officiate.
It was reported that the Joint Committee
on Music and Drama in Scotland had made
a grant of £21 towards classes of instruction
in Gaelic music in Skye.
The Committee considered a remit from
the Executive Council to consider the
propriety of making, in view of the useful
propaganda purposes of An Gaidheal, a grant
to the Magazine Account from the sum
annually placed at their disposal. The
Committee recommended a grant of £50.
On the motion of the Convener, Mr.
Charles Campbell, the Minutes were
Two Minutes of the Art and Industry
Committee were read. It was reported that