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Appendix Bib/iotbeca Facultatis yuridic^.
gypte, et des gouvernemens qul en
dependent 1634. JkParis 1651. iti
\/f^t)C.^' A-^^^'^'^ ^^ Villeneuve [Francois.) EH-
j '/a zionario Italiano Francelb, eflratto
* da' Dizionari dell' academia di Fran
cia, e della Crufca, &c. In Marfig-
q^-jer^O^, Didtionnaire Fran(;ois-Ital;en,
, , ^ compofe fur les Didionnaires de 1'
academie de France et de la Crufca,
&c. A Marjeilk 1772. in 4.
, ^ . ^^-Alciatus [Andreas.) De niagiftratibus,
ciA^ilibulijue, et militarlbus officiis li-
bellus. Exji. inter Car. Flenr. de
Klettenberg fcriptores hift. Rom.
,|.-j /57«. 3./)«^. 655.
\^fC*i/7* Ij.^^^v^'^^^'^ [yean le Rond d\) Melanges
d.e litterature, d' hiftoire, et de philo-
fophie, augmentee de plufieurs notes
fur la tradu(ftion de quelques mor-
ceaux ds Tacite, 5 to/n. A Amjicr-
dam 1763. in i 2.
^-t.^./<//jMhagiabi, filius. Grammatica Arabi-
ca dida Caph'ia, Romae 1592. i« 4.
Ali Bey. Vide Lufignan [S.)
Alighieri [Dante.) Vide Boyd [Henry.)
'3•^'2. Allatius [Leo) 2ujw.arx.Ta, five opufcula
Graeca et Latina, vetuftiora et re-
centiora, cum ejufdem [Allatii] in
ea praefatiuncula, Grace, et Lat.
Venetiis 1733. infol.
De Solea veteris ccclefiae. Ibid.
fart. 2. ^t^. 20.
Epiftolae ad Bartoldum Nihufium
tres. I. De liturgia S. Jacobi diffe-
rit. 2. Tuetur aflertam Graecoium
communionem fub fpccie unica. 3.
Eft de lignis fandae crucis. Ibid,
^pag. 29.
-Confutatio fabulae de Papifla, ex
monumentis Graecis. Ibid. part. 2.
pag. 82.
{,^^^0* Allix [Peter.) Some remarks upon the
ecclefiaftical hiftory of the ancient
churches of Piedmont. London 1690.
in 4.
,'^;!2^. Almon [John.) Debates and proceed¬
ings of the Britirti Floufe of Com¬
mons. Vide Commons, Houfe of
Alphonfus IX, Rex Hifpaniae. Fuero
Real de Efpana glofiado por Alanfo
Diaz de Montalvo. Medina dd
Campo 1544. in fol.
Ambres Baron d'. Memoires: guerres
de la ligne en Languedoc. Ex/l. en
pieces fugitives pour fervir a I'hiftoire
de France, torn. 2.
America. Difcovery of a rich and
plentiful country in North America.;
extending above four thoufand
leagues, wherein a fhort paffage thro'
the Mer Barmejo into the South
Sea is found out. London in 8.
American atlas; or a geographi¬
cal defciiption of the whole Conti- yfw /
nent of America, chiefly of the Bri- *■' ^'^'*"
tifli colonies, engraved by Thomas
Jeffries. London 1775. injol, a^
-North American pilot for New- ^^ff\
foundland, Labradore, the Gulf and /; /f^ A^^ ^/u- J^-
River of St Laurence ; being a col- ^-^ ' ' '
ledion of fixty accurate charts and
plans, drawn from original furveys,
taken by James Cook and Michael
Lane furveyors, and Jofeph Gilbert,
&c. publifhed by penniflion of the
Lords Commiffioners of the Admi¬
ralty, chiefly engraved by Mr Tho¬
mas Jeffries geographer to the King.
London i^^S. in fol. ^ FTl
—Recueil les loix conftitutives des L/^^./^, Z^ •
colonies Angloifes, confederees fous *—~—'
la denomination d' Eflats-Unis de
r Amerique Septentrionale. A Phi-
lad elp hie 1778. in 12.
-American war, a
poem in hv/»/?^./6» 3.
books. London 8. '-,—---L ^^ ,
— — American huftandry. Vide Huf-[y^^/ 6«^.
Amory {Thomas.) Vide Grove [Henry.]
Anagnofta [Joannes.) De extremo Thef-
falonicenfi exCidio narratio, Graec.
Lat. Leone Alljitio interprete. ExJi.
inter ejufd. (Allatii) fymmidta. Edit,
Venet. 1733. part. 2. pag. q6.
Monodia, de excidio urbis Thef-
falonicenfis; eod. Leone Allatio in-
terprcte. Ibid. pag. 116.
Anderfon [Mr James,) minifter at '^^, ^
Dumbarton. EfTay upon the paffage /

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