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2 Appendix Bibliothecde Facultatis Juridic^,
i/f ^^ n-n wtti* -/• .'> • / ^
^'2/« C^.i^^.Adamfon [Henry.) Mufes threnodie,
/ / or mirthful mournings on the death
of Mr Gallj containing varietie, of
pleafant poeticall defcriptions, mo-
rall inftru6licns, hifloricall narrati¬
ons, and divine obfervation?, with
the moft remarkable antiquities of
Scotland, efpecially at Perth. Edin¬
burgh, printed in King yames college^
hy_ George Anderfon^ 1638. in 4.
Adanfon [MichelA. Hiftoire naturelle
des Coquillages du Senegal, prece-
dee d'une courte relation d'un voy¬
age fait en ce pays pendant les an-
nefs 1749, 1750, 1751, 1752, et
' 1753. A Paris iJSl- ^^^ 4*
Addington [William.) Abridgement of
penal ftatutes,- cxhihitingf at one
view, the offences, the punifliment,
or penalty annexed to that offence,
the mode of recovering and applica¬
tion of the penalty, the number of
witnefTes and juftices necellury to
convid: the offender, with a reference
to the chapter and fedion of the e-
naifting ftatute. London 1773. in 6.
——The fame, fecond edition. Zo«-
don 1779. in 4.
Adelaide et Theodore ; or letters on e-
ducation, tranflated from the French
of Madame la Comtefle de Genlis,
3 vol. London 1783. in 12.
Adimari [Lodovico.) Marchefe del. Sa¬
tire, edizione leconda, in cui i\ aggi-
unge un elogio dell' autore. Am-
Jlerdam 1764. in 8.
Admiralitas Angliae. De officio admi-
ralitatis Angliae deque articulis con-
cernentibusidem ofEcium,(7««o 1639.
MS. in 4.
Admiralty in Scotland, court of. De-
cifion§ of the court of admiralty,
from the 5th June 1613 to 6th
June 1673. AfS. in 4.
Adolphus {Gujldvus) Suecorum, &c.
Rex. Vide Suecia.
Adrien Maurice Due de Noallles. Vide
Miilot [rAbbe),
-ffineas and Dido burlefqued from the
4th book of the iEneid of Virgil.
Charlejloivn 1774. in 12,
4- n-
iEfchines. Opera, Graece, cum ^o^'^-uJr/iJ'O.A.,
mentariis integris liieron. Wolfii,*—-^—'
Jo. Taylori, Jerem. Marklandii, et
aliorum. Exjl. inter oratores Grac-
cos Jo. Jac. Reifke, vol. 3. et 4.
iEfchylus. Tragoediae feptem cum fchc- ^b'^^
liis Graecis omnibus, deperditoruni *'
dramatum fragmentis, verfione et
commentario Thomae Stanleii. Lon-
dini 1663. i^ifol.
Agriculture. Dilfertation far V etat de
V agriculture chez les Remains, el.
fon influence fur leur^ loix, leur.s
moeurs, lenr gouvernement, et leur
commerce. Exjl. in traite des loix
civiles, part, 2. pag. 145.
Treatile concerning the manner
of fallowing of ground, raifing of
grafs-feeds, and training of lint and
hemp in Scotland, by the Hon. So¬
ciety for improving in the know¬
ledge of agriculture. Edinburgh
1724. in 8. Vide Bath, fociety of.
* Aiguillon [M. le Due d\) Collediou
generalc de ce qui s'eft paffe tant de
la procedure de M. le Due D'Aiguil-
lon, que de tout ce qui a donne lieu
a r exil des membres du parlement,
a commencer du 4. Avril 1770 juf-
qu'au 24. Janvier 1771. Enfuite les
proteftations des Princes du Sang, et
les reprefentations des autres cours
dc Paris, &c. 4 torn. A. S.^ in 4. *—~r-~.
Aikin [Anna Laetitia.) Poems. Lon\}m^%. f$^
don 1773. in 4. "J^^^^ - ^ . /. j"^ ^
Miiceilaneous pieces in profe.)
London iyj^,. in 12.
Aikin [John.) KfHiy on the applicati
on of natural- hiftory to poetry.^
Warrington 1777. in 8. Vide Thom-
fon [James.) ^ r~~T-1
Aiiken [John.) Syftematic elements of/ y^ \ n i/T
the theory and praflice of furgery«^^^ V*^*' *
Edinburgh 1779. in 8. *
Alamos de Barrientos (/i^/z/j^^r). TaV X^,// ///5(
cito Efpanol illuftrado con aforifmosc^ .'/
Madrid 1614. infol. «—-r—r
Alanus {Jornandes.) Vide Jornandes. ^^JA^
Albert (Sieur Jacques.) Eftat d' £-*■ '-'*

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