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Bthliothecce Facultatis Juridtca Catalogus 6oi
■— Eadem explicatio infcriptionisTaurobo-
lii Lugdunenlls. Exft. in novo thefauro
antiqq. Roman, de Sallengre, torn. 3. coL
— Excerpta ex diflertatione de annis impe-
rii M. Aur. Antonini Elagabali. Exji. cum
S. Hippolyti operibus, torn, i. pag. 164.
Turrecremaca (Joannes de.) Difpucatio de
azymo & fermentato, & de tranfubftantia-
tione. Exji. in conciliis Labbei, torn. 13*
col. 1141.
•— Refponfio ad Bafilienfium oratores in
concilio Flotenug^ /Ibui col. 1661.
4'TnTret\nns.fSMm^u») uogitationes & dif-
fertationes theologicae: 2 tom. Geneva
1737. in 4. ^^-Z.-if-..
Orationes academicae xii. Geneva ijyj.
\U n .A Turri (Ra§}fael de.) Traftatus de cambio.
\y • •n'H' ;^ Francofttrti 1645. i'^fi^-
ifj.Jl'Jf^— Dillidentis, defcifcentis receptaequeNea-
polis libri vi. Infulis 1651. in 4.
- Reftaurandae antiquaejurifprudentise co-
natus. Genu£ 1666. in 4.
Turrigius (Francifciis Maria.) Notae ad ve-
tuftiffimum Urii Togati, ludi pilae vitrese
inventoris, infcriptionem. Exji. in Grsevii
thefauro antiqq. Rom. tom. 12. col. 389.
Turrius (Hcnricus) Vicecomes de Tourenne.
Ad Regem Chriftlaniflimum de belle Tur-
cico oratio, habita Marfala 31. Aug. 1663.
ExJi. cum Conringio de bello contra Tur-
> cas gerendo, p^^. 431. ^/^^ Ramfay.
Turfellinus {Horatius.) Hiftoriarum epitome.
,- Franequera 1703. in 8.
^i-U*/JI •"— ^^ particulis linguae Latinae libellus, re-
^^ ; 'iiognitus & locupletatus. Exjl. in Verweii
^^ ^ thefauro cultae Latinitatis.
j, 0,/A Turftinus five Thurftinus Eboracenfis A.
" Charta de confecratione Roberti Epifcopi
Sandi Andreae. ExJi. in Whartoni Anglia
facra, tom. 1. pag. lyj.
Turturetus (Vincentius.) Horae fubcefivae de
nobilitate gentilitia, libris iii. Lugd. 1634.
in 4.
«—- Parallela ethica & juridica. Parif.i6i^.
2^V3'^/Turzanifs (Francifcus.) Regulae. Exjl, in
, fallentiis regularum juris, p^^. 630.
. / /-; ^^./Tnfanns (Jacobtis.) Lexicon Graeco-Lati-
IcLcV.k^^ ^^^' ^'^^^f' ^^^^- ^^f^^'
Tufchus (Domimcus^) titulo S. Onuphrii
'*^ Presbyter Cardinalis. Prac^icarum conclu-
lionum tomi viii. 4 vol. Lugduni 16^4.
Tutchin (John.) Obfervators from 1702 to
^■''' 1705. 3 tom, i vol. Lond. 170a. ^c. in
Tutius (Claudius.) Repetitio fuper 1. pra*
gnantiSy ff. de poenis. Ex/i. inter repetitio-
nes in jure civili, tom. 6. fol. 479.
Twinus (Joannes.) De rebus Albionicis,
Britannicis atque Anglicis, libri duo,
Londmi 1590. in 8.
Twifden (Str Roger.) Hiflorical vindication
ot the Church of England in point of
fchiim, as it ftands feparated from the
Roman, and was reformed ill Elizabeth.
Lond. 1675. ^^4*
— The beginners of a monaftick life, in A-
iia, Africa and Europe. Exjl. with Spel-
man's hiflory of facrilege.
^- Anglicanae hiilorias Icriptores x. Vide
Twifle (Gulielmus.) DifTertatio de fcientia
media, contra Penottum & Suarefium, li¬
bris iii. Arnbemii 1639. infol.
Tyemo five Theodamarus Saltzburgenfis A. -^ / -,
Vita & pafFio. ExJi. in antiquis ledioni- ^^ **^'/
bus Canifii, tom. 3. part. 2. fol. 97.
Tyndale (WiUtam.) Works. Lond. 1572.
infol. A ,0
— The obedience of a Chriflen man, and ^^f*e=\
how Chrilten rulers ought to governe. ^^^
I^^ini2. T/rf^Biblia. ^^5^
Tyndatus J. U. D. Tradatus de teflibus.
ExJi. Tr. Tr. tom. 4. fol. 147.
— De compenfationibus- Ibid. tnm. 6. part*
2. fol. 250.
— De decimis. Jhid, tom. 15. part. 2. foU
Typotius (Jacobus.) De fama libri duo. ^^<3- 3<2;
Francofordia 1695. in 8.
— De tortuna libri totidem. Ibid. ^■^^' j?!^"
— De jufto, five de legibus, libri iii. Ibid, -#^^rt-^-??
— De falute reipublicae libri duo. Ibid. r- L -y-*
Tyranny. A difplay of tyranny; or, Re-"^ '"^^^
marks upon the illegal and arbitrary pro- -^ >
ceedings in the courts of Weflminfler and ^3=i=
Guildhall, London, from 1678 to the ab- - J/-
dication of the late K. James. Lond. 16^0, cjf^. Q.
in%. ^ ^-
Tyrie (James.) Refutation of Schlr Johne -^M.^l <A^^-
Knox. /» 8. //'J^A' 9 Z, -^li-
Tyrius (Guillermus.) Vide Guillermus. ^ ^'^^^^ ^^ ^^y^ 'f •
Tyrius (Maximus.) Vide Maximus.
Tyro Profper. Vide Profper.
Tyrrel (James.) General hiflory of Eng¬
land, as well ecclefiaftical as civil, from ^'/' "^'//f
the earliefl account of time, to the reign;'
of Henry IV. AD. 1399. 4 tom. 3 vol.
London 1696. 1700 and 1704. tnfol.
— Appendix, being a brief and impartial
dilquilition into that great queflion. Whe¬
ther the Commons ot England had ever
7 N any

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