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6oo Bihl'mheae Facultatts Juridtca Catalogus.
S7. 3, Ar
, _ T U _ I
5R.eginse. £x/?. in Fordoni Scotlchronico, ;
^^ A . , ?'^I-4i9- . . j
&U*JiiJf=0 Turnebullus (Georgins.) Imaginarii circuli |
(^ %, /C. 2(^ quadratura catholica, de formali objedo i
& regula fidei, adverfus Ro. Baronem. j
Remis 1628. in 8. i
'TK '^}' tl JJ Turnebus (Adnanus.) Adverfariorum tomi ;
' *": r-7) ±Q _ iii. Bafika 1581, in fol.
— De vino ejulque ufu & abufa libellus.
£x/?. in Gronovii thefauro antiqq. Graec. \
torn. 5). col. 517. I
- Coiledio fententiarum vetuftiflimorum
poetarum Graeccrum, Grsece. Ranf. aptid
jpfiini Turfiebum^ 1553- ^^ 4*
«— Pontis Csefariani explicatio & machina-
rum ad Maffiliam. i?x/?. cumCaefareJun-
/ / germanni, torn. 1. pag. 423.
ri/2''^' 0» ^—Carmina de capto Caleto. £x/?. inter
i,,^ / rerum Germanicarum fcriptores Schardii,
- /;7i-7 torn. ^. pag. \^.
C-i_ i LJ, C* /— Poemata. £x/. in dsliciis poetarum Gal-
^ lorum, torn. 3. pag. 1014.
^^i^).^iy Turnebus (Adrianus) F. Carmina. Ibid,
pag. 1106.
Turneminus ( ) Epiftola de fingulari
Fauftinae numo cum infcriptione SOVSTI.
lExJl. in eleftis rei numariae Wokereclc,
pag. 106.
—— Explicatio numi Gallieni, cum infcriptio¬
ne fingulari. Ibid. pag. 16^. Vide Sciences.
Turner ("Sir James.) Pallas armata: Mili¬
tary eflays of the ancient Grecian, Roman,
and modern art of war. Lond. 168 V ^f'fol-
-— Animadverfions on Buchanan's hiftory
and dialogue de jure reg?ii. MS. in fol.
**- Obfervations upon Offlaherty's Og)gia.
MS. Ibid, in fine.
Englilh, Duche, Frenche, and in the apo*
thecaries and herbaries Latin ; with the
properties, degrees and natural places of
the lame: in 3 parts. CoUen 1368. infol.
— Booke of the natures and properties, ^g/y, nf-
well of the bathes in England, as of o-
ther bathes in Germanye and Italye. Ibid.
-— [Under the name of Wm. Wraghton.]| j^-,-^.^^
The refcuynge of the Romiihe fox, other-
wife called, the examination of the hunter
devifed by Stephen Gardiner. Winchefter
1545. 4 nmas Martii, by me Hanfe Hit-prik.
in 8._ <:%.r^L/^.
— Epiftola ad Conradum Gefnerum. "Exjl,
cum Gefnero de pifcibus, pag. 12^4.
Turner (William.) Hillory of all religions y?^7n . Si
in the world "^ ' " '
this time
c' Ut' 3y >y ^-Turner (Joannes.) De febre Britannica anni
1712. (chediafma. Lond. 1713. /» 4.
_// ^7 J -4~f Turner (John.) The wifdom of God in the
'ty ' y 7.^ redemption of man, as delivered in holy
(2^—Q-r^iQ Scripture, vindicated from the chief obje-
/ flions of our modern Infidels: in viii. fer-
0^ ' mons preach'd at Boyle's Ledure. Lond.
1709. in 8.
^ Turner (John.) Sermon preach'd before Sir
Patience Ward, upon the laft Sunday of
his Mayoralty, anno 1681. with additions.
Lond. 1683. in 4.
Turner (Robert.) Difcourfe of the pretended
Apoftolical conftitutions: wherein all the
principal evidence, both external and in¬
ternal, brought by Mr. Whillon in his Ef-
fay on thofe books, to prove them ge¬
nuine, is examined and confuted, Lond.
1715. in 8.
■ i /y^ ^- / Turner (William.) Herbal, with the figures
and names of the herbes, in Greke, Latin,
li.o: L^.
, from the creation dow n to
in 1 parts. Lond. 1695. in 8.
Turnerus (Robertas.) Orationum volumina
duo. Colonize Jgrifpma 1629. in 8.
—^ Narratio de morte quam in Anglia
fide Romano-Catholica Edmundus Cam-
pianus S. I. aliique duo conftanter oppeti-
erunt: ex Italico fermone Latina fada.
Ibid. torn. 2. pag. iy6. ^q
— Epillolarum centuriae duae. Colonize Jgrif/^
1615. in 8.
— [Sub nomine Oberti Barneftapolii.^ Ma¬
ria Stuarta Regina Scotiae innocens a caed
Darleana. Exfi. inter fcriptoresxvi. de vi¬
ta Mariae a Sara. Jebb editos, tom^ i. pag,
Turnor (Thomas.) The cafe of the Bankers ,
and their creditors, ftated and examined: - 'A-'3
the 3d impreffion, with additions. Lond.
1675. in 8.
Turonenfis (Georgius Fhrcntias Gregoritis.)
Vide Gregorius.
Turpilius (Sexttis.) Vita & fragmenta. "ExJl.Oj^
in corpore poetarum Latinorum M. Mait- t'
taire, pdg. 1507.
Turquet de Mayerne (Louis.) Vide Mayerne.
Turre (Georgius a.) Catalogus plantarum hor-»t?fcf^?y
ti Patavini. Patavii 1662. in 12. ^9'-^^
Turre (Philippus a.,) Adrienfis E. Diflerta-^/ /
tiones de Beleno & aliis quibufdam Aqui- / '
iejenfium Diis, ac de colonia Forojulienfi.
Addita funt fragmenta infcriptionum Fra-
trum Arvalium, ut & plures infcriptiones
Aquilejenfes, aliaeque in variis provinciae
Forojulienfis locis exftantes. £x/?. in Grse-
vii thelauro antiqq. Italife, i'o/.o. part.^.
— Monumenta veteris Antii^ h.e. infcriptio
M. Aquilii, & tabula Solis Mithrae variis
figuris & fymbolis exfculpta. Addita nunc
elt ejufdem explicatio infcriptionis cujuf^
dam antiquae de Tauroboiio. Ibid. "M. 8.
part. 4. •—Ea-

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