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Bibliothecce Facultatis Juridic^ Catahgus. 2^55
thodus conficiendi herbatium vivUm. Jtt-
dorffii 1662. in 4.
\ <^0 Hogaeus (Gidielmus.) Paraphrafis in Jobum
poetica. Lond. 1682. in 8.
ir / y —- Paraphrafis poetica in tria Jo. Miltoni
' poemata, viz. Paradifum amilium, Para-
difum recuperatum, & Samfonem Agoni*-
Hen. Lond. 1690. in 8.
'2yjMogarth (Richardus.) Difputationjes gram-
r^_//. J maticales. Lond. 1712. in ^icMr3^3-ZJ
^ ^^tJIogelande (Cornelius ah.J Cogitationes qui-
/ J" /ypns Dei exiftentia, &c animae fpiritualitas
^y/'Sc poflibilis cum corpore unio dcmon-
ftrantur. j^mfi. 1646. in la.
Hogerbeetfius (R.J Epiftolae duae. ExJ^. in
epiftolis Remonftrantium Limborchi.
Hogerfius (Theophilus.) Oratio, C. Julium
Caefareni tyrannum fuifle. £x/?« cum Sche"
lio de libertate publica.
— Threnus in immaturum Schelii obitum.
; Ibid. pag. yj.
I Hoghelande (-TheohuJus de.) De Alchemiae
I • difficultatibus. Exft. in theatro chemico
2letzneri, torn. i. pag. 109.
Hojeda de Mendoza (Jlphonftis.) De bene-
ficiorum compatibilitate & incompatibili-
tate. Exji. Tr. Tr. torn. 15. part. i. fol.
y 112.
''ilolbrook (Anthony.) The paftoral and ma-
giilerial duties of the Gofpel miniftry af-
ferted and vindicated. ExJi. Bangorian
controverfy, vol. 8. Lond. 1718. i» 8.
^. '3S. Holburne (Sir Robert.) Reading on the fta-
tute of Treafons. Lond. 1681. in 8.
.^,.0^ Holeyfen (Daniel.) Oratio de fecuritate
yf^ Principis. Lugd. Bat. infol.'^.^.L,
^ Holiday. Vide Holyday.
Holinfhed or Holinfliead (Raphael.) Defcri-
' /• / ption and chronicle of England, Scotland
1 and Ireland, 2 vol. Lond.i^jy.infol.
g I f\ — The fame, with a continuation by Jo.
jT^' Hooker, alias Vowel, and others, to the
year 1586. 3 tojnes, 1 vol. Lond.i^%y.
^y in fol. Hj^o^./t/Dtyrri^f^ fnm^-a.r„^ }
j. /• ^ — Caftrations of the laft edition of his
I chronicle. Lond. 1723. in fol.
Holland (Francis.) Confiderations on Mr.
Daviflon the antipsedobaptillical teacher
j his fermon, intituled, The vindication of
j , the true Proteftant miniftry. Lond. ly 10.
in 8.
Holland (Jofeph.) Difcourfe of the anti¬
quity of terms for the adminiftration of
juftice in England. ExJi. in Hearne's col¬
lection of difcourfes of Englilh antiqua¬
ries, pag.^ 5a.
■— Antiquity of cities in England. Ibid,
pag. 62.
y^c/l O.JAy.
-— Dimenfidii of the land of England, tbidi/l.y^ , ^,0
pag. 64. .;, ^--7
--- Of the antiquity and life of Heralds la ft* /i' S^
England. Ibid. pag. ^^. ^ v_/
—^ Of the antiquity and privilege of places U'y/f- 2^/
for Itudents and profeflbrs of the common v /
law. Ibid. pag. \iy.
-—^ Of the diverfity of the names of this
ifland. Ibid. pag. 154.
HoUandia. Vide Belgium*
—^ Chronicon Hollandise: de Hollandorum
republica & rebus geftis, commentarii
H. Grotii & Jani Doufa; utriufque. Ltig-
dtini Bat. 1617. /« 4. \
--- Decretum ordinum Hollandiai & Weft.^iZ,^^7. —
frifiae pro pace ecclefiarum. Lagdtini Bat, ^
1614. in 4.
— Idemi Exjf. in epiftolis Remonftrantium
— Epiftola eorundem ad WilhelmUm Hen*
ricum Comttem Steinfurtenfem. Ibid.
— Decretum de antiquo jure reipublicas
Batavicae. Exjl. cum Belgii foederati ftatu.
Advis fidelle aux veritables Hollandoiffj (yrPu. ^.90
touchant ce qui s'eft pafie dans les villa- ^
ges de Bodegrave & Swammerdam, &:
les cruautes inouies que les Francois y
ont exercees. Avec un memoire de la
derniere marche de I'armee du Roy de
France en Brabant & en Flandre. —•—
1673. ^^ 4*
-— Les delices delaHoUande. Jmjl. 1685. }l. l^-f^-
in 12.
— An account of the obligations the ftates / /. Jt Zf o.
of Holland have to G. Britain, and the
return they have made both in Europe
and the Indies. Lond. 1711. /» 8.
—— Memoires fur le commerce des Hollan- (^O • y- /^
dois, dans tous les etats & empires du
monde. Amjl. 1718. in%.
-— Batavia; or, The Hollander difplay'd*
Lond. 1697. in 12. ,
HoUis (Denzil Lord.).Jsiexr\ons^ from 1641 q/>'. O' 2 t^
101648. Lond. i6^ S. "' . .7?/).^. 2/
— Letter of a Gentleman to his friend^ y- ^~ '^-
ftiewing that the Bifliops are not judges in 5 "^^
Parliament in cafes capital. Lond. i6y^».
in 8. Vide Stillingfleet. ^
-— Remains: being a fecond letter to a //.. Q^ /^,
friend, concerning the judicature of the
Biftiops in Parliament. Lond. 16^2. in S. r-
Holmes (Nathanael.) Ufury is injury* a- //. U. <:^/
gainft Dr. Ames. Lond. 1040. /« 4. ^
Holftenius (Lucas.) Notae & caftigatiotifeg ^ ^ // , / r? 3/) / '
in Stephanum Byzantinum de urbibus* -^^ H * ^ ^"\ ^■
l^i^ otim^t<ephaao ^iivA's^\^'io'ini-'i^.'£^'(^<^j(f^'^-j^-
Commentarius m
4 £ 2

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