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■ »MI«|I H-M. mV -■■.».—■ .-,.-■ ■■-, _—.. ...... _, , II I - - ■ ■■-■■-■ - . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^
282 Bihliotheca Facultatis Juridicce Catalogus,
ture. 2. De corpore politico; or, The ele¬
ments of Law moral and politick. 3. Of
liberty and neceliity. Lond, 1684. tn 8.
— The fame treatii'e of liberty and necefli-
ty. Exji, in Dr. Bramhal's vindication of
true liberty.
— Behemoth; or, An epitome of the civil
wars of England from 1640 to 1660.
Lond. 1679. ^^ ^'
— The fame, correfted. Lond. 1682. in 8.
-— Anfwer to a book publiflied by Dr.
Bramhall, called, The catching of the
Leviathan. Ibid.
/-/}?//> — Hiftorical narration concerning herefie
y/■ "^ ' ' and the punilliment thereof Ibid.pag. 133.
y'— Seven philofophical problems, and two
/^- /'/^ propolitions of Geometryi^ with an apo-
^ logy for himfelf and his writings. Ibid, ad
^IJ. y# '2(9 — T>e mirahilibus Petci^ being the wonders
of the Peak in Darby-lhire, in Englilh and
Latine. Lond. 1678. in 8.
- Confiderations upon his own reputation,
loyalty, manners, and religion. Lond. 1680
in 8.
- Vita partim a feipfo fcripta, cum audla-
rio per Ricardum Blackbourne. Lond.
1681. in 8.
- Vita carmine exprefla, authore feipfo.
Ibid, ad calcem.
* His ftate of nature confidered, in a
dialogue between Philautus and Timothy,
by J. E. Lond. 1672. in 8.
q^_ jj y.^Hoburgus (Petnis.) Animadverfiones in
^^'^^^^^"" Tho. Albii purgationem Alexandro Vll.
x>;^^^ - // Papae miflam: adjundum ell du'Jo^jJ'iay.
^^<y 'U' ^li^- pro decreto Papae fcripta Albii damnante.
•^ Duaci 1662. i« 8.
Hochemberg (Chrijiophorus.) Oratio in fu-
nere Udalrici Zafii. Esji. cum 2lafio in
tit. de adionibus, ad inititm.
J^ . ^- ^^ Hochmannus (Henricus ChtiJiophortis.J De
benedidione nuptiarum commentatio. Alt-
dorfii 1685. in 4.
H O J^. 7^
-— War betwixt the two Britilh kingdoms "-^^p^
conlider'd, and the dangerous circuuiftan-^-f' "
ces of each with regard thereto laid open.
Lond. 1705. in 8. U/.L p
Hodierna (Joan. Baptijia.) Controverfia fi .^
forenfes. Geneva 1667. tnfol.
— Pradicarum quaellionum ad famigera-^i^
tum textum 1. hac edi^alty C. de fecund. ^•^•
nupt. femicenturia. Geneva i^j^ infoL
— Eadem. Jm/. 1660. in 8. '^ ^ • 7
— Additiones 6c obiervationes ad decifio- A 2
nes Mantuani fenatus Jo. Petri Surdi. Ge-
nevte 1669. in-jol.
Hodius (Humfredus.) Diflertatio contra hi-^^j^ ,^
ftoriam ArilleaE de LX2L-Hiterpretibus.^^^|
Oxonii 1684. tn 8. I^JVjr Z6.
— Hiftory of Englifh councils and convo^^/<j?
cations. Lond. v-joi. in%.
Hoenonius (Philipptis.) Quaeftiones feu con- j y
troverfise juris illullres ex libris inlticutio- '"'
num Julliniani excerptae, 24 dilputationi-
bus comprehenfae. Herborna NaJJoviorum
1605. in 8.
Hoepingus. Vide Hopingk.
Hoefchelius (David.) Notae in Ecclefiafti-^3.2
cum. B.xji. in criticis lacris, torn. 5. '
— Epiftolae v. hsji. in Gudii epiftolis,
pag. 187. Vtde Photius.
Hofmannus five Hoffmannus (Cafpar.) E-
piftolae iii. ad Kirchmannum. Ibid, pagr
Hofmannus (Geo. jfer.J ProcefTus crimina- fn?.
lis lynedrii magni adverfus Salvatorem, ad ^
JudsEorum leges exadi, iv-.uctKia.. Exji.
in Menthenii thefauro diflert. ad nov.
Tell. pag. 216.
Hofmannus (Joannes Adolfus.) Obfervatio^
num politicarum, live de republica, libri x.f^
TrajeBi ad Rhenum 1719. /« 8.
^ 4-
horn. &: civ. lib. 2. cap. 13. fullinere pof-
fit. ^iibinga 1710. in 4.
Hodges (James.) Eflays on feveral fubjeds.
>• Lond. 1710. in 8.
'— The prefent ftate of England, as to coin
and publick charges, in 3 parts. Lond.
1697. in 8.
• — The rights and interells of the two Bri-
^' j tilh'monarchies inquired ititcj and cleared,
with a fpecial refpe6t to an united or fe-
parate ftate, part i. Lond. 1703. in 4.
Hotmannus (Joannes Gmllelmus.) Ad le-^^
gem Juliam de adulteriis coercendis, li¬
ber imguhiis,_Ei:^ncofarti ad Viadrum
170,1. in 4. ^[^' 7- C).
Hofmannus (Joannes Jacobus.) Lexicon u-
niverfale, 4 tomis. Eaftlea \6yy &c 1683.
— Te^fticha in Ijnperatores. Vide Hen-
Hofmannus (Mamicius.) Florae AlidorSi-'^r^
nse deliciae hortenfes, live catalogus pIan-*T^
tarum horti medici, anno 1660. Altdorffii/^ ^j
1660. in 4. /
— Florae Altdorffinae deliciae fylveftres, fi-,;^e^
ve catalogus plantarum in agro AltdorlE- // -,.
no locilque vicinis (ponte naicentium. AU- '^^ -^ ^
dorffii 1662. in 4.
— Botanotheca Laurembergiana, h. e. me-jCb-S

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