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An epic P O E IVL 51
Gaul is tall before them : the ftreams glitter within his flrides.
The bards raifed the fong by his fide ; he flruck his fliield between.
On the ilcirts of the blaft, the tuneful voices rofe.
On Crona, faid the bards, there burfts a ftream by night. It
fwells, in its own dark conrfe, till morning's early beam. Then
comes it v/hite from the hill, with the rocks and their hundred
groves. Far be my Heps from Crona : Death is tumbling there.
Be ye a ll:ream from Mora, fons of cloudy Morven.
.. V/ho rifes, from his car, on Clutha ? The hills are troubled
before the king! The dark woods echo round, and lighten at his
fLcel. See him, amidft the foe, like Colgach's* fportful ghoft ;
when he fcatters the clouds, and rides the eddying winds ! It is
Morni -j- of the bounding fteeds ! Be like tliy father, Gaul !
* There are fome traditions, but, 1 be- conjedure, that the Colgach here men-
lieve, of late invention, that this Col- ti> ned was the fame with that hero. — I
gach was the fame with the Gaigacus of cannot help obferving, with how much pro-
Tacitus. He was the anceftor of Gaul, priety the fong of the bards is conduced.
the fon of Morni, and appears, from fome, Gaul, whofe experience might have ren-
really ancient, traditions, to have been dcred his condua cautious in war, has the
king, or Vergobret, of the Caledonians ; example of his father, juft rufhing to bat-
and hence pi oceeded the pretenfions of the tie, fet before his eyes. FilJan, on the
familyof Morni to the throne, which created other hand, whofe youth might make him
a good deal of difturbance, both toComhal impetuous and unguarded in aflion, is put
and his fon Fingal. The firft was killed in in mind of the fedate and ferene behaviour
battle by that tribe; and it was after Fin- of Fingal upon like occafions.
gal was grown up, that they were reduced f 1 he expedition of Morni to Clutha,
to obedience. Colgach fignihes fiercely- alluded to here, is handed down in tradi-
koking ; which is a very proper name for a tion. The poem, on which the tradition
warrior, and is probably the origin cf Gal- was founded, is now loft,
gacus ; tho' I believe it a matter cf mere
^ 2 Selma

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