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REC 31
Recísimo •a,ndj.iHpfrl. most violent, impetuous
Recitación, j/. recitation; reciting; repetition
Recitado, tin. recitative (sort of music)
Recitado, -a, adj. recited; rehearsed; told over
Recitador, -a, $mf. reciter; speaker: relater
Recitante, smf. comedian; player; actor; actress
Recitar, na. 1. to recite; rehearse: represent
Recitativo, -a, adj. reciting; recitative; relatin)^
Reciura, s/. force; strength; rigour of the season
Recizálla, i/". second ñlings; fragments
Reclamación, if. reclamation; remonstrance
Reclamar, a. 1. to decoy birds with a call
Reclamar, to hoist, lower a yard (naut.)
Reclamar, vn. to contradict; oppose; gainsay
Rpcláme,sm.sheave-hole (in a top-mast-head, na.)
Reclamo, srn. decoy-bird; bird-call; allurement
Reclámo,reclamation; catch-word; tye-block(na.)
Reclamo (acudir al, 3.), to answer one's purpose
Rede, sm. vacation; rest from choir- duties
Reclinación, »/. reclination; reclining
Reclinado, -a, adj. reclined: recumbent; recline
Reclinar, van. 1. to recline; lean back; repose
Reclinarse en, sobre, n. ref. to recline on, upon
Reclinatorio, sm.. couch; resting-place: form
Recluir, »«. ^. to shut up apart; seclude; exclude
Reclusión, »/. retirement; reclusión; recess
Recluso, -a, imf. & adj. rerluse: shut up
Reclusorio, sm. recess: place of retirement
Kethita, »/. recruiting; raising soldiers
Recluta, xm. recruit; new soldier; man enlisted
Reclutador, Jin. person recruiting soldiers
Reclutamiento, sm. recruiting; enlisting
Reclutir, i«i. J. to recruit; enlist; supply; repair
Recobráble, adj. recoverable; restoraOle
Recobrar, va. 1. to recover; regain; get back
Recobrar, to rouse in; take up the end of a rope
Recobrarse, vt. to recover, from malady [naut.)
Recobro, sm. recovery; restoration (of a loss)
Recocer, va. 1. to boil again; boil too much
Recocerse, v. ref. to exhaust one's self with rage
Recocho, -a, adj. boiled too much; overdone
Recocido, -a, adj. overboiled; skilful; over-ripe
Recoiladero, sm. place for leaning on one's eU)ow
Recodar, «n. &r. 1. to lean with one's elbow upon
Recodir, vrt. to rebound; revert; meet; concur
Recodo, sm. corner, angle jutting out
Recogedero, m. place where things are gathered
Recogedor, sm. harbourer; gatherer; gleaner
Recoger vi. 2. to retake: gather; shefter
Recoger, lock up in a mad-house; suspend
Recoger una proposición, to retract a proposal
Recoger un vale, to take up and pay a note
Recogpr velas, to conclude a discourse
Recogerse, v. ref. to take shelter; retire to rest
Recogerse, to retrench one's expenses [world
Recogerse, to withdraw one's mind from the
Recogidamente, adv. in solitude; retiredly
Recogidas,/.;)/, women, in a house of correction
Recogido, -a, adj retired; secluded; contracted
Recogimiento, sin. collection; shelter; reclusión
Recogimiento, abstraction from worldliness
Recolar, va. 1. to strain a second time; percolate
Recolección,/, summary; recollection; convent
RecoUección retirement; crop of grain, fruits
Recolegir, va. 3. to collect; deduce; infer from
Recoleto, -a adj. of a strict observance (convent)
Recoleto, -a, smf. devotee (living in humility)
Recolorádo, -a, adj. copper-nosed; with a red nose
Recombinár, va. 1. to join again together
Recomendable, adj. commendable; praise-worthy
Recomendablemente, ad. in a laudable manner
Recomendación, »/. recommendation; praise
Recomendación (carta de), introduction letter
Recomendar, vn. 1. to enjoin; '
Recompensa, »/. compensation; recompense; fee
Recompéusa(en), adv. to makeaniends, in return
Recompensable, adj. rewardable; to be requited
Recompensación, «/'. compensation; reward
Recompensar, va. 1. to recompense; reward
Recomponer, va. 2. to recompose; adjust anew
Recomposición, »/. recomposition (chym.)
Reconcentramiento sm. introducing in the centre
Reconcentrar a. 1. to introduce; dissemble
Reconcentrarse, r. to take root (sentiments, &c.)
Reconciliación, sf. reconciliation; peace
Reconciliable, ai/j. reconcilable; easy to reconcile
Reconciliador, -a, smf. reconciler; conciliator
Reconciliar, va. 1. to reconcile; accomaiodate
Reconciliar, to consecrate anew, a sacred place
Reconciliar, to hear a short confession
Reconciliarse, v. ref. to confess slight offences
Reconciliatório, -a, adj. conciliatory
Reconcomerse, v. ref. 2. to scratch one's self
Reconcomio, sm. itching; fear; craving; shrug
Recóndito, -a, adj. secret; abstruse; recondite
Reconducción, sf. renewal of a lease
Reconducir, «.3. to renew a lease; contract again
Reconfesár, va. 1. to confess again; reconfess
Recimocedór, -a, «>n/. examiner; trier; recogiii
Reconocer, va. 2. to try; acknowledge favour
Reconocer, to consider; conceive; recognise
Reconocer, to submit to the commaud of (others)
Reconocidamente ad. gratefully; confessedly
Reconocido, -a, adj. acknowledged: grateful
Reconocido, -a, smf. recognisee (law)
Reconociente, adj. recognising: acknowledging
Reconocimiento, sm. recognition; confession
Reconocimiento, acknowledgment; submission
Reconocimiento, recognisance; examination
Reconquista, sf. place reconquered, regained
Reconquistar, va. 1. to reconquer, conquer again
Reconstrucción, sf. rebuilding; reconstructior
Recontante, a. relating; repeating; reporting
Recontar, va. 1. to relate; report; recount
Recontento, sm. content; satisfaction
Recontento, -a, adj. very content, satisfied
" ilecér, vn.'-l. to recover from sickness
. jharge; acci ,
Recopilación, sf. summary; collection, of scraps
Recopilador, »»«. compiler; abridger; collector
Recopilar, va. 1. to compile; collect; abridge
Recoquín, m. chubbed little fellow, short & thick
Recordadór, -a, smf. recorder: remembrancer
Recordante, adj. reminding; recording
Recordar, va. 1. to remind", call to recollection
Recor<lár,i';t.toawake from sleep; cease sleeping r
Recordiirse, v. ref. to hit upon; recollect
Recordativo, -a, adj. recording; to be recorded
Recorrer, na. 2. to run over; survey; peruse
tn. to ri
ur; bav
Recorrer la memoria, to call to recollection
Recorrer un baxél, to repair a ship (naut.)
Recorrer los cables, to underrun the cables (na.)
Recortado, sm. figure cut of paper
Recortado, painting not well finished
Recortado, -a, adj. cut away; curtailed; pared off
Recortar, va. 1. to curtail; delineate in profile
Recortar, pare off; cut out figures of paper
Recorte, sm. outline (line delineating a figure)
Recorvar, va. 1. to bend; crook; incurvate; curve
Recorvo, -a, adj. bent; crooked; curvated
Recoser, va. 2. to sew again (what had been rent)
Recostadero, sm. reclining, resting place

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